Today’s behind the scenes concerns a very small item, the campfire as seen in the scenario 7, Amon Sûl, battle report over on the campaign thread. The campfire used the Viessmann flickering fire effects module with two yellow and one red light bulb. The campfire itself started with a small piece of cardboard painted grey to represent the ashes at the bottom, with a bit of red for glowing coals. A hole was cut in the center, with a bit of scrap plastic forming a transparent dome for the bulbs.

Next, small bits of round wood (leftovers from the pile next to the cottage near the Bucklebury Ferry) were glued radially around the dome, with some fine ballast to suggest cinders.

Ironically, the Woodland Scenics water effects product, used for waterfalls and rapids, is also quite nice for making transparent flames:

The cardboard base was then cut to the final round shape, and larger bits of talus were glued around the campfire:

The flames were painted with Tamiya transparent yellow and red, the wood with shades of brown, and the boulders with greys. The campfire was weathered with grey weathering powder.

The Weathertop ruin received a hole through the center; a bit of straw formed a channel through which it was easy to route the bulbs and wire:

The Viessmann electronics module and plenty of wiring were shoved under the table, powered by a model railway transformer.

Here’s the glowing campfire in the center of the Weathertop ruins. The bulbs generated quite a lot of heat; we left the campfire on for a bit too long during gameplay, resulting in some blackening / melting – luckily, the campfire was not set ablaze… I probably should have left the top of the flame open to dissipate heat.

As with the Bucklebury Ferry scenario, the Amon Sûl battle report night lighting was achieved with a LED strip set to blue-green light, and hung above the gaming board. The battle report photos were usually 1 to 2 second exposures, and they received very little or no post-processing. In the next WIP update, I will have something bigger in mind – I’ve been busy planning the Helm’s Deep board, and will share the initial plans and drawings… stay tuned!