Hello everyone,
I've mentioned earlier that I just started the hobby again. When I first did this, I was quite young and I painted so incredibly horrible. Now that I start again, I am to be considered a beginner. So, here you can see some of my first attempts at painting miniatures again.
One of my first projects is a group of dwarves.
1 - Here I've first painted the cloth with regal blue and then drybrushed with reaper bright blue. Is this what is called highlighting?
2 - Here I painted mithril silver on the armour. I've painted some dwarf archers with boltgun metal and I wanted to use that instead, but mine is so damn thick and horrible to use. So i used my new mithril silver instead.
3 - Here I've painted the beards in different colours. Three with dark flesh, two with bestial brown, two with ash grey, neutral grey and granite grey from reaper pro paints. The last one was black with ash grey highlight(?). I also painted the leather with schorched brown and the flesh with dwarf flesh from reaper paints.
4- Here I mixed nuln oil and black ink 2:1. I wanted the armour to be a little bit darker - that's why i mixed in some black ink. On the rest of the figure I used pure nuln oil.
5 - Here I have painted the shields the same way as the cloth. After that I applid nuln oil. And then I was finished!
I haven't painted eyes, and I'm not sure if I should do it. I haven't got any good detail brush and I'm horrible at small details. I will do the bases tomorrow. Anyway, tips for my painting would be greatly appreciated!
The next figures will probably be some Iron Guards. I'm a bit frightened by finecast figures, but I just got to try.
Thank you for watching my post!