Im new here and i love looking at other peoples work in progress and seing how they do things and i hope to pick up a few tips to. Please fee free to post any comments or critiques or general advice, id love to improve my painting. Also if you would like to know how i acchieved a certain affect please do ask. I build and paint alot of Airfix, Tamiy etc scale aircraft so alot of my techniques cross over.
I suppose i should write a bit about myself as a gamer. Well ive been playing the hobby for eek about 12 years now on and off and have played most armies for 40k over the years. Ive kind of gone off 40k now and im enjoying Warhammer now. Ive just started seriously collecting and painting LOTR figures with ambitions to take part in Grand Tournaments and also build up some war of the rings forces. Im not an ultra competative player, i more enjoy building armies to a theme and backgroud than anything else.
So here goes with some photos, first off is my first formation of Elfs, i know the cloaks should be blue but i prefer the look of them red so thats why they are red.
And finaly their shields:
And my evil army so far only consists of this guy which i realy am finding a chore to paint. I enjoyed doing the conversion though.
Please excuse the messy movement trays, they where painted with what was left of some goblin green. Eventualy they will be airbrushed shades of green. Also a usefull tip for painting shields i picked up a long time ago is to leave them on the sprue untill they are done to make them easier to hold.