Dain Ironfoot: Those hammers are from the 6th edition Warhammer Fantasy Dwarf Warriors box.
simmuskhan: Unfortunately, due to the rights that GW obtained regarding the copyright of LotR, they were forced to say that they would not endorse parts from the other systems being used in this one and parts from this one shouldn;t be endorsed in the others. So it only applies to GW tournies and ones were people choose that route. If you won't be going, it's no big deal, but it's always best to make people aware
Conversions and weapon swaps are allowed, but tournament legalities means Lord of the Rings models and sculpting only. (So no WH, 40K, Ral Partha, Majestic Bear etc)
The Dwarfs are Warhammer Fantasy Dwarfs, the skeletons are Warhammer Fantasy Tomb Kings of Khemri
(I primarily play Fantasy, lol
Glad to hear that painting will start soon!
DainIronfoot: You're right, that is all he is doing and it's not me deciding that they aren't tournament legal, it is Games Workshop's ownership laws regarding hte models. They can't allow non-GW LotR models or GW non-LotR models (in any amount, even a simple weapon-head swap) to feature in a LotR tournament. It sucks, but that's the conditions of them getting the right to make the game and models. For friendly games, they're fine and great though ^^
simmuskhan: I can't really comment on costing because I'm a WotR player mostly. However, you don't need to mention that he can't use any 2H weapon or ranged weapons as he doesn't have any
I would suggest that, if you are going to have the Ironfist Gauntlet included in his equipment, that you give it a second rule, such as it allows him to shield...
As to modelling him, try and find any fgauntletted fist, such as a Space Marine one that a friend may have lying around or one from a Chaos Warrior. However, you may be trying to make it tournament legal, in which case, I would suggest that you get a Khazad Guard and paint the hand as though it were covered in metal and do a head swap, switch his weapon out and hey presto! The eye patch could always be painted on for ease?
Regardless, good luck and show us pictures!