Hello everyone,
Here's my WIP thread. I'm mainly WOTR so I building large scales army. I'm not a pro painter, though I can be quite good if I take the time to. Most of the models are quickly painted, to a "tabletop standard", which means I'm doing it quite fast so I can gather massive armies.
I have, in WOTR points system :
1) 3K+ Rohan + Galadhrim allies army (80% painted, that's what I'm working on right now)
2) 3K+ Isengard army (80% painted)
3) 3k+ Mordor + Eastern Kingdoms allies army (95% painted)
4) 1.2k Gondor army (90% painted)
It's my first WIP thread, so first I'll post pictures of the work I have completed recently, and then I'll show you what I'm up to. I'm actually struggling to complete my Rohan army!
The defenders of Helm's Deep!
Bring it on uruks!
Archers, fire at will!
Eomer and a banner of which I'm pretty proud! (also seen on first picture)
The king of Rohan and a hornblower
Galadhrim archers (these are not my work, except Legolas!)
Aragorn, Gimli and more elven warriors (galadhrims are not my work)
Rohan commanders and some of my rohan warriors!
And now, what's left to paint :
Galadhrim warriors
The King's guards, with Gamling (royal banner) and Hamà
Some banners
Eowyn and Grimbold
Give me your thoughts, I'll update it soon when these models will be painted. After that, I'll complete my cavalry force!