The One Ring

+1 When higher fight skill
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Author:  RyuAzai [ Fri Sep 08, 2017 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  +1 When higher fight skill

Just as the title says, what are you thoughts on a house rule that when facing an opponent with lower fight skill you get +1 on your roll to hit. Though this does not apply when wielding a two-handed weapon.

Something my group was talking about casually wanted to hear this communities thoughts on it on how broken or not it may be.

Author:  Klench [ Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: +1 When higher fight skill

Thanks for asking. I wouldn't want to play with that house rule. This is because I can feint when I have a lower fight value. If I have a higher fight value (elves) I stand a chance at winning most fights. They don't need an extra advantage at winning the fights AND then for rolling to wound. Those advantages to hit are defined by the wargear (lances, two handed weapons etc)

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Tue Sep 26, 2017 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: +1 When higher fight skill

I totally misread this - I thought you were suggesting that if you have a higher Fight value, you get +1 on the Duel roll. Which, personally, I think might be worth looking into (and cancelling out the two-handed weapon penalty - which I REALLY like the sound of).

But I don't think it should effect the To Wound roll at all. Possibly allow re-roll of 1, at most, but even then, it becomes useless to someone that's Feinting and can be achieved by a lower Fight model Feinting (odd how Feinting is MORE effectve for lower Fight models, but that's a different topic).

So, I'd say it's your and your friends' house rules, do as you please. But I'd massively recommend not doing it for wounding and if you REALLY feel the need to add something in, make it +1 on the Duel roll or re-roll 1s on the Duel rolls. But even the former (and potentially the latter) seems very powerful.

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: +1 When higher fight skill

There is a reason two-handed weapons are so rarely taken, and Shades seen as such horrifying things to face - a -1 to win a Duel is massive, and conversely so would a +1 to win it. Don't have time to do the maths on it, but a 3+ attack hero with a high F and +1 to win would basically win duels a stupidly large amount of the time against basic troops. Now, that may seem justified from a background perspective (a mighty Elf lord fighting lowly goblins? Of course they pose no danger to him!), but doesn't work quite as well in terms of gameplay. I have in the past thought of making a much higher F value more relevant (as it seems to make sense to have a F9 hero fighting a F2 goblin to be having an easier time than when it's a F3 character duelling that same goblin), but especially when you allow low dice results to be re-rolled (as would have been my suggestion also), you are just getting rid of their one weakness: that if they roll low with all dice once in a while, they can be taken down.
Getting rid of that weakness just further emphasises the need to include magic in your list to get rid of strong enemy heroes. Enough of that around as is...

Author:  Tyr [ Fri Oct 20, 2017 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: +1 When higher fight skill

Bit late to the party, but personally... it seems like a terrible idea. Weaker models have enough issues getting damage through, making it even harder would just make horde armies useless. Combines with winning on draws, it would mean theyd automatically win on a 5+, and the chance of winning on any other result would still be significantly increased. When you consider that most evil warriors have a low fight value, youd basically be gimping half the playerbase. As it is, I can understand wanting to make Fight a more valuable stat, but it controls both offense *and* defense, and changing it in this way would turn anything thats even slightly above average into a nigh-invulnerable mincing machine...

Author:  polywags [ Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: +1 When higher fight skill

Yeah as much I see why you would want this, so frusterating to watch your high elf roll a 2 and lose the the goblin that rolls a three, having a higher fight, being able to win the tie, is actually pretty close to a +1 with added bonus of always winning with the 6. Right? Cause if you both roll 3s it is as if the model with the higher fight rolled a 4, ect. So if you got a plus one to the dice roll you'd be getting closer to plus two.
I do kinda feel there is some rebalancing that could be done though with the general stat lines of models, bringing the Hobbit range and LOTR in line with one another. Doesn't seem like there will be many changes to the older ranges but I would definitely like to see some balance changes more for thematic reasons then anything else.

Author:  Hodush [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: +1 When higher fight skill

I have to agree with everyone else.
There is already a bonus for having the higher fight value and a +1 to hit (presumably to win the fight or to wound?) is too strong in my opinion.
I dont think that the fight value system needs much more balancing or house rules.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat Nov 18, 2017 4:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: +1 When higher fight skill

If you meant you have fight 4 and they have fight 3 and you get +1 to wound, its way overpowered. Don't do that. Fight value is huge already. Any armies higher fight should win. This also helps higher fight armies like dwarves and elves beat up on their opponents more.

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