The One Ring

Nordinbad - Durin´s Folk Supplement
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Author:  Galanur [ Mon May 04, 2015 12:52 am ]
Post subject:  Nordinbad - Durin´s Folk Supplement

Well a supplement Im working at with the faction I´ve decided to make for Durin´s Folk and presented at the game War in the North.

Army Rules:

Stubborn Longbeards: Unlike their kin from the Grey mountains who fleed from the dragons that came from the north, Nordinbad people were quite sttuborn and rather decided to hide in secrecy in their kingdom and face the odds from foes at all sides.
Any model from the faction of Nordinbad that requires to make a courage test, must roll 3D6 rather than the usual 2, but will discart the lowest D6 result dice.

Closed to the outside world: Other armies may not benefit from Nordinbad Heroes stand fast and only warriors from nordinbad may benefit from Nordinbad Heroic actions and stand fast.


Gorin, Lord of Nordinbad(Dwarf) Points value: 120

Move________F_____S_____D_____A_____W_____C ____M__W__F

Heavy Dwarf armour and an axe

Special Rules:
Lord of Nordinbad: The range of Gorin´s stand fast! rule is 12"/28cm rather than 6"/14cm.

• If your army includes Gorin, you can upgrade any number of khazad guards to Azan-zâram guard at +2 points per model.
Azan-zâram guard have Fight 5/4+.

Nordri, Son of Gorin(dwarf) Points value: 85

Move________F_____S_____D_____A_____W_____C ____M__W__F

Heavy Dwarf armour, crossbow and two handed axe

Special Rules:
Prove his worth: Once per game Nordri can call one heroic action for free without spending might.

• Nordinbad pick-hammer........5 points

Bruni, Nordinbad Captain (dwarf) Points value: 90

Move________F_____S_____D_____A_____W_____C ____M__W__F

Heavy Dwarf armour, two handed axe

Special Rules:
Come here you filth! Baruk Khazad!: If Bruni charges, he is Strength 5 until the end of the turn.
The life guard: If either Gorin, lord of Nordinbad or Nordri are wounded, Bruni can spend his own fate points as if they were Gorin or Nodri points as long as he is in base contact. Note that Bruni may not actually suffer wounds on their behalf.

Nordinbad Captain (dwarf) Points value: 70

Move________F_____S_____D_____A_____W_____C ____M__W__F

Dwarf armour and two handed weapon

• shield.............................5 points
• Nordinbad pick-hammer........5 points

Special Rules:
Nordinbad Pick-hammer: Nordinbad Pick-hammers are two-handed weapons, which can use either the Bash or Piercing Strike Special Strikes and unlike two handed weapons, the bearer doesn´t suffer the -1 penalty to see who win the roll in the fight.(see page 70)


Dwarf warrior (dwarf) Points value: 9


Dwarf armour

• Banner..........................25 points
• War horn.......................20 points
• Two-handed weapon............1 point
• shield.............................1 point
• spear.............................1 point
• crossbow.........................3 points

Dwarf ranger (dwarf) Points value: 8



• Throwing axes..................3 points
• Two-handed weapon............1 point
• crossbow.........................4 points

Special Rules:
Mountain dweller:
Dwarf Rangers can re-roll any jump and climb tests and move through rocky areas that are classes as dificult terrain as if they were open ground.

Khazâd Guard (dwarf) Points value: 12


Dwarf Heavy armour and two handed weapon

• Nordinbad Pick-hammer......................2 points

Special Rules:
Nordinbad Pick-hammer: Nordinbad Pick-hammers are two-handed weapons, which can use either the Bash or Piercing Strike Special Strikes and unlike two handed weapons, the bearer doesn´t suffer the -1 penalty to see who win the roll in the fight.(see page 70)

Special Rules:
Bodyguard (Nordinbad)

Nordinbad Ballista(seige engine) Points value: 60

(remain the same to durin´s folk) except:

Dwarf Engineer Captain.......................80 points
Additional dwarf warrior crew...........9 points each

What you think?

Author:  Glory4gondor [ Sat May 30, 2015 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nordinbad - Durin´s Folk Supplement

This is cool i really enjoyed war in the north.

Author:  Constantine [ Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nordinbad - Durin´s Folk Supplement

Which game is "War in the North"? I will read your supplement and let you know my opinion–although I don't know any of the background.

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