The One Ring

Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?
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Author:  glaurung98 [ Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

Just interested to see what models people will pick and why, to qualify it must be 20pts or less. Thanks :)

Author:  JamesR [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

That leaves it open to most lol, but its a good topic idea.
As of late I'd say Abrakhan Guard. I love their "CHOP!" special rule, when I pair them with my Golden King I refer to the collective group as "The Meat-Grinder" because nothing stands for long against that.

However I have to say my top favorite is the Vault Wardens (I know they're above 20 :p but they're ze best!). When used CORRECTLY they're nigh unbeatable, however I've never seen anyone else save Leonardis ever use them to their maximum potential.

Author:  Sithious [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

I still enjoy Uruk-Hai Scouts and Mordor Uruk-Hai for the same reasons. First I think they look cool so that helps, S is pretty good against most normal troops, F is pretty solid. D sucks. For the points you get a good scrapper unit. They have done well for me where elites often don't earn their points and lesser troops like orcs and gobs usually can't hold up.

Author:  halauas [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

Mounted knights of dol amroth, i cant remember i single game that they let me down!. Apart from beeing awsome looking i love when charging flanks with 5-6 of them and cut lines like butter.

But above 20 it will be the khandish chariots. Little/cheap ''monsters'' to barge in and break lines to attack supports or rend defensives, also to counter cavalry. :D

Author:  Bernardo [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

Love the looks of the black guard of barad dur.
It is amazing to see when they form a big shieldline with all their giant shields.

Author:  Dr Grant [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

I'm sure it will surprise no-one to learn that mine are Feral Uruk-Hai - gorgeous models, incredibly effective against troops and S4, 2 attacks (normally feinting) is just perfect for taking down Fell Beasts, Ringwraiths and any other big beasties up to D8. It's also nice to see other players taking up the Feral mantle over the last year or so - go team feral!

Author:  Olvatrolta [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

I would like to give Big Hands to "Morannon Orcs"... I just love them (if playing Mordor)

Author:  Major_Tom [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

I found that the Black Guard of Barad-dûr were a nightmare when I have played them with their high strength and defence plus a decent fight value. Put in spear support and they are pretty immovable

Definitely getting some for my Mordor army!

Author:  glaurung98 [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

As for me I would have to say half-trolls. There little honey badgers! they don't give a $!#@, they just take what they want. Which is normally the lives of my opponents troops :) plus they look super cool.

Author:  MWL_Rambo [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

I must say that for me it has to be Dead Marsh Specters. The models look amazing and they have such a nasty rule. Being able to move opponents troops can swing a turn in your favor.

If you haven't watched the GBHL Middle-Earth's Deadliest Warbands check it out. *Spoilers* The Angmar match is a prime example on how they can take things like high armor and turn the opponent to mush. Also shows that moving a troop out of the area a fight is in can swing a turn or two.

Granted they are not as good against high courage models. Give them some other support like a Nazgul, be patient, and then watch Legolas do nothing for the rest of the game as the specters toy with his mind. (I did this to a friend while playing an Angmar list)

Good topic!

Author:  JamesR [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

glaurung98 wrote:
As for me I would have to say half-trolls. There little honey badgers! they don't give a $!#@, they just take what they want. Which is normally the lives of my opponents troops :) plus they look super cool.

Lol they are awesome but they're over the 20 Point cap you set :P

Author:  Rangefinder [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

Watchers of Karna for me.

They have two attacks in close combat,
good shoot value,
poison rule,
special bonus when charging terror causing enemies,
and magic resistance.

All that for 1/2 the limit you ask for!!!

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

I love good ol' fashion easterlings. Set them up in a 3x3 phalanx with a banner and capt then waltz into your enemy! Solid D, great supported A, and… I guess that's about it.

I'm also a fan of osgiliath veterans.

I'm a fan of so many warrior models: orc stalkers, specters, citadel guards, haradrim warriors, watchers of karna, wood elves with throwing weapons, corsairs, Uruk scouts, and Haldir's elves from TT (I just like them because they look cool).

Author:  glaurung98 [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

JamesR wrote:
glaurung98 wrote:
As for me I would have to say half-trolls. There little honey badgers! they don't give a $!#@, they just take what they want. Which is normally the lives of my opponents troops :) plus they look super cool.

Lol they are awesome but they're over the 20 Point cap you set :P

Oh wow! I thought they were 11pts :? how many points are they?

Author:  Rangefinder [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

I will give you a hint because you cannot post points..., add 4 points to your original max.

Author:  Valadorn [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

Ferals + watchers of kharna, most OP stuff in da game for me..
Personal favourite: Uruk crossbowmen, those guys pew pew hard :D

Author:  JamesR [ Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

Rangefinder wrote:
I will give you a hint because you cannot post points..., add 4 points to your original max.

That's only if you give 2-hand weapons. They're 4 Moria Goblins with shield plus 3/4's of another without shield lol

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

1. Hunter Orcs- Average fight for an evil mode, 2 attacks, S4, and all for the price of two goblins?? Hell yes. Swarm them, boys.
2. Feral Uruks-Just beast. Decent defense, same stuff as hunter orcs, but higher fight, and armed with a Shaman, these are one of the best CQB units in the game.
3. Uruk Hai with crossbows- eat it good guys wheres your armor now....and oh yeah elves.....hopefully you hit me first, cause if I hit you, youre dead.
4. Goblin town goblin- LESS than 5 points with free spear support on every model? Yes please.

I didnt mention any good, and its hard to rate them, because I dont play as good....ever really. But when I make armies, or play test myself to see how units look...

in no particular order-
Mirkwood Rangers....what can I say....100% bows....holy cow. Then extra attacks, high fight, and high courage? Theyre brilliant.
Guards of the Fountain Court/Khazad Guard- I label these two together because theyre both bodyguards, and are both tanks. Not very expensive either

Possible mention-Riders of Rohan....for cavalry, pretty cheap, all bows, very mobile, and can be modified in certain ways like Westfolk Redshield add on. Havent play tested much but few times they are decent in numbers.

Now to the topic creator-Is this just for usage or for looks too? Because then its a different story?

Author:  glaurung98 [ Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

LordoftheBrownRing wrote:
1. Hunter Orcs- Average fight for an evil mode, 2 attacks, S4, and all for the price of two goblins?? Hell yes. Swarm them, boys.
2. Feral Uruks-Just beast. Decent defense, same stuff as hunter orcs, but higher fight, and armed with a Shaman, these are one of the best CQB units in the game.
3. Uruk Hai with crossbows- eat it good guys wheres your armor now....and oh yeah elves.....hopefully you hit me first, cause if I hit you, youre dead.
4. Goblin town goblin- LESS than 5 points with free spear support on every model? Yes please.

I didnt mention any good, and its hard to rate them, because I dont play as good....ever really. But when I make armies, or play test myself to see how units look...

in no particular order-
Mirkwood Rangers....what can I say....100% bows....holy cow. Then extra attacks, high fight, and high courage? Theyre brilliant.
Guards of the Fountain Court/Khazad Guard- I label these two together because theyre both bodyguards, and are both tanks. Not very expensive either

Possible mention-Riders of Rohan....for cavalry, pretty cheap, all bows, very mobile, and can be modified in certain ways like Westfolk Redshield add on. Havent play tested much but few times they are decent in numbers.

Now to the topic creator-Is this just for usage or for looks too? Because then its a different story?

whichever one you want really, I just wanted to see what people would pick :)

Author:  glaurung98 [ Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your favorite troop type under 20pts?

hmmm well since my last entry was way over the limit I think I would have to say my favorite one is the knight of dol amroth with armoured horse and lance :)

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