The One Ring

How to play Wood Elves
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Author:  LordElrond [ Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:15 am ]
Post subject:  How to play Wood Elves

Hi guys,
I am going to get some sentinels and a small wood elf (mirkwood) contingent to add to my high elf and galadhrim army.

I was wondering how you manage to win with them when their defence is so low.

Please help.



Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to play Wood Elves

Low defense only matters if you get hit. 8)

The key to Wood Elves (or any Low-D force) is to not get hit. Simple, right? :lol: Seriously though, this is actually pretty easy with Wood Elves, especially after the reduced effectiveness of bow fire.

Elf Spears are a key consideration with WE armies. When you are in a Fight you need to have multiple dice being cast to increase the odds of you winning. If you do get a tie then your high Fight value will be the next factor. Now any spear supported model is casting more dice but the WE Spears have another nice bonus. You can shield with them. Now your single WE alone can still roll two dice if needed (if he's alone, facing more enemies, for example). I have often used one or two WE w/ spear just shielding to hold back enemy in an area either as a delaying tactic or until help can arrive.

Max out your archery. Even under the new rules Elf Bows (stationary) can do some damage. You really need to thin the ranks of your opponent as much as you can before your lines clash. You're not going to shoot up so much that you can walk all over them but you want to pick proper targets (lowest Defense, support models, cavalry, etc.) and focus.

The Sentinel song that allows you to move an enemy that fails Courage is wonderful, especially against Trolls and similar low-C Monsters. :D But it also works good for breaking up enemy formations a little.

Do NOT engage with typical tactics. You're not a shield wall force so don't play like one or be sucked into it. You want to break your opponent's force into chunks and deal with them as such. Archery, Sentinel Song, mobility, etc. are all part of this. Two of my typical opponents refer to my army as Trixie Elves.

Even before his change Thranduil's special rule made him a great leader. The ability to reduce the counter charge once per game could, when used right, help turn a tide. Now he's even more effective. Natures Wrath is a great complimenting spell for Wood Elves and even having multiple sources for casting it cheaply is great.

Heroic Combat is an action you should be doing whenever possible. If you can nail a fight with 2-3 additional warriors plus your Hero and then jump them to other Fights you can cause a lot of damage.

Throwing Daggers are something I used to use several of, being carried by Elf Blade warriors usually, but with the -1 rule I may not so much. Before though (or if you're not using the -1 move rule) they had about as much chance of wounding the model you were charging as you would in combat anyway (you hit at least 50% of the time and had the same Strength as your WE). They usually paid for themselves. With a hit on only a 4+ on the move now I don't know how good they'll be.

Finally, Elf Blades are often needed to crack tough enemy armor. Have a few scattered into your force.

Author:  whafrog [ Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to play Wood Elves

I'm wondering if this response shouldn't be stickied. This question comes up often and Beowulf isn't always around... :)

Author:  RangerofTheNorth [ Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to play Wood Elves

I motion for stickiness then! That was a perfect reply I think. I'm personally hesitant to start a Mirkwood list right now what with stat creep,higher powered and armoured Mirkys with who knows what for special rules are inevitable.
The unarmoured stats may not change much, but I wouldn't be surprised if we got new models for them too. New heroes like Tauriel, probably a new statline for Legolas. To me the current unarmoured plastic WE are supposed to represent Galadrim, not Mirkwood Elves due to the Leaf of Lorien spear heads the way the cloaks clasp at the shoulder, etc. Not that you can't use them for Mirkwood. I think patience may be your best friend in this case. Not trying to discourage anyone from playing with the current list, but maybe open some eyes to the future :)

Author:  LordElrond [ Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to play Wood Elves

How long until they come out?

Author:  whafrog [ Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to play Wood Elves

No one knows, but I would guess not until either the movie where the dwarves get captured by them, or the movie with the battle of the five armies. Which means 1 or 2 years...

Author:  RangerofTheNorth [ Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to play Wood Elves

I'd guess movie two for unarmoured, with characters, movie three for the armoured versions.

Author:  LordElrond [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to play Wood Elves

How would I beat an all cavalry shooty, skirmishy Rohan?

Author:  LordElrond [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to play Wood Elves

An Isengard Uruk warriors and phalanxes?

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to play Wood Elves

Spearline/ Pike block with either Pall of Night or Blinding Light. Or a wizard with Sorceous blast/ panic steed.

Author:  LordElrond [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to play Wood Elves

And natures wrath?

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to play Wood Elves

Can use NW if you are doing Elves V Elves if you wish. Or take monsters. Cav which is hurled are auto thrown when knocked prone so take a troll chief etc.

Author:  Tezzy [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to play Wood Elves

I think maybe we should come up with a series of threads on general tactics for each army! I still feel like I'm playing moria wrong...

Author:  whafrog [ Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to play Wood Elves

Tezzy wrote:
I think maybe we should come up with a series of threads on general tactics for each army! I still feel like I'm playing moria wrong...

There is this long thread: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4352
...with an index here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12544

Unfortunately, the internal links to the specific armies are broken...not to mention it predates warbands and the Hobbit. I've added a new tactical discussion thread, and linked to this one as the first entry. Feel free to create a new thread for Moria, or simply add to the tactical discussion thread.

Author:  Tezzy [ Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to play Wood Elves

Oh yeah forgot about that, haha yeah I think you are right a new thread was in order. Well I think I will try to add something to the new one, thanks whafrog.

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