The One Ring

magic house rules
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Author:  Mighty.Uruk!!! [ Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  magic house rules

i thought that majic in sbg was very defensive and being evil i wanted to cast spells that kill lots more.
i have used spells like transfix and compell to good tactical effect sometimes but i just want to destroy stuff.

so. . .

(offer only available for magic users)

you buy an extra spell at an additional points cost, simple.

here are a few i thought up.

FIREBALL 10pts range 10"

hit 4+ (5+ if magic user is <100pts)

targets 1 model which takes a strength 6 hit, all models in base contact with that model take a strength 3 hit

EARTHQUAKE 25pts range 10" to centre of circle

hit 5+(5+ if magic user is <100pts)

place a circle 6" diameter on the board where you want the spell to be cast
all models in with some part of them in this circle take a strength 5 hit

LIGHTNING STRIKE 5pts range 10"

hit 4+(5+ if magic user is <100pts)

choose 1 enemy model, that model takes a strength 5 hit

Author:  Mighty.Uruk!!! [ Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: magic house rules

any feedback, improvements would be really great.


Author:  Elessar Telcontar [ Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: magic house rules

I believe you forgot to write what happens to models hit by Earthquake.
I like Fireball, although it's a lot like Kardush the Firecaller's spell (cannot remember the exact name, Fire leap or something)

Author:  WayUnderTheMountain [ Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: magic house rules

Is there casting values to these or are those the "to hit" stats? If so, I'd bump up the casting value of Lightning Strike for sure. Casting a spell that goes off on a 3+ that typically kills on a 3-4+ seems a little powerful for such a cheap spell, particularly for some big bad wizard/nazgul. Fireball and Earthquake(once it has an effect) look promising as they might teach other players not to bunch up too much or else kaboom. If you just want to destroy stuff, look at sorcerous blast and black dart. Would these spell be available to both good and evil spellcasters or just evil?

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: magic house rules

I think you need to play test a bit to get the balance worked out. Look at Sorcerous Blast for a starting point of direct damage spells. I wouldn't suggest any such spell have a 3+. A 4+ for one that effects only a single target is perhaps more appropriate. Multiple models or area-effect should be looked at first as a 5+ spell.

Also, instead of the casting difference based on point value of the model, what about having it cost two Will to cast? A Nazgul (with a larger pool of Will) or a Wizard (with the +1 free Will from the staff) would still use it when needed but it would limit who else may want to cast it. Also, in SBG spells are known on an individual basis, not as a broad list as in WotR. So if you only want certain spells to be used by certain models just list those models in the spell description. No other models can cast it.

For myself though I think the original level of magic in SBG was very much in line with the stories as written. Magic in Third-Age Middle Earth was never the in-your-face D&D style magic of many (most!) other fantasy worlds and I thought the way GW managed it in SBG up to a couple years ago was almost perfect. Once WotR came out and magic became "mainstream" they started porting that over to SBG and polluted the waters from my point of view. I don't see them ever pulling back from that slope now. If your preference drifts more in the direction of D&D / WoW than cannon Middle Earth then I think you have a good start for some extra spells for house rule use (after you work out the balance issues).

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: magic house rules

I think even the more recent spells in SBG are still very much in line with ME canon. I came up with similar ones for my house rule Blue Wizards profile. I'll post it soon, but it was similar to this. One of the BW had semi good combat with good (but not too overpowered) magic while the other had a bow and support magic.

Author:  Mighty.Uruk!!! [ Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: magic house rules

ok i have gave earthquake an effect and had a few playtests, and lightning strike has had its cast raised to 4+
i put it as easy to cast because in my first small battle against my little brother i just used it to blast apart wariors of rohan, but earlier today i played against my dad (who only just remembers the rules its been so long since he played) and massacred boromir before he even got into combat, before hammering tonnes of points of warriors of the dead.

the earthquake i put as strength 5, does that seem ok or overpowered.

i am trying to think of some sort of magical spell that would raise either the caster or a nearby warriors combat ability, any thoughts?

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: magic house rules

The Easterling Shaman already has one that increases strength and Druzhag has one that increases most everything on a beast.

I would make the Earthquake like Wrath of the Bruinen, except that it only causes hits in certain terrain features, like in buildings.

Author:  Highlordell [ Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: magic house rules

Mighty.Uruk!!! wrote:
ok i have gave earthquake an effect and had a few playtests, and lightning strike has had its cast raised to 4+
i put it as easy to cast because in my first small battle against my little brother i just used it to blast apart wariors of rohan, but earlier today i played against my dad (who only just remembers the rules its been so long since he played) and massacred boromir before he even got into combat, before hammering tonnes of points of warriors of the dead.

Overpowered much?... (for 25 points?)

Like Beowulf said, magic in middle earth isnt really supposed to be fireballs and earthquakes. If you watch the movies, very little offensive spells are shown, and certainly not in the magnitude you described.

But at the end of the days you play the game how you want. If you're not really interested in playing to the background, and think it will make your gaming more fun, then go for it! :)

Also i'm guessing you took the 5" circle idea from Warhammer, try and change to something similar to the Sourcerous blast area affect if you want, as nothing else uses a template style marker.

Author:  Draugluin [ Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: magic house rules

All of the offensive magic seen is nature based. While I would agree that a fireball is a little un-Tolkieny, an earthquake would definitely fit in Middle-Earth. I would however increase the price and/or the cast roll for all of them. Only the great Elf lords, the Istari, Maia and the Nazgul were supposed to have magical powers.

This is the thread for the Blue Wizards, complete with the spells. Let me know what you think. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=22137&p=259577#p259577

Author:  theOneRider [ Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: magic house rules

Thread necromancy, yeah yeah.
I'd say make the Earthquake a strength 2 or 3 hit + knocked to the ground within the area of effect. Add to that the specification that a magic caster (and only a magic caster) within the area can attempt to resist like a normal spell, when successful cancelling it completely, and it sounds like a good one at 25pt.

Author:  Walters [ Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: magic house rules

On a related note. Has anyone tried the option of the weaker spell casters like moria shamen buying extra will? I like the idea to give them a chance to cast more spells during the game, but am not sure how to cost it. Would a goblin shaman with 5 will at 60 points cost be OK, or is that way too cheap?

Author:  Draugluin [ Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: magic house rules

The only stuff they can cast are Fury (generally a one time cast that's not very hard to cast) and Transfix (a multicast spell that is rather hard to cast). I rarely try to cast more than Fury with my Shamans, I use 1 will for the initial cast, which leaves me 1 will (maybe 2) to use to resist a spell (very useful against Nature's Wrath) and save one to recast Fury if necessary. Like I said, Transfix is so hard to cast with a shaman that you MIGHT cast it once with 5 will, so 60 pts is ok..

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