The One Ring

[BCUpdate] Faction: Rohan
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Author:  Erunion [ Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:04 am ]
Post subject:  [BCUpdate] Faction: Rohan

Faction: Rohan, 1.0

Staunch allies of Gondor, the Rohirrim are known far and wide for their prowess in battle and for their skill in breeding and training horses. Despite the darkness of the times, the Riders of Rohan are swift to answer a call for aid, and Orcs and other evil creatures have learned that the sound of hoofbeats will often mean their doom.

Starting Company
3 Warriors of Rohan with shields
3 Warriors of Rohan with shields & throwing spears
2 Warriors of Rohan with bows

Shield, Bow...............................................1 Inf.
Throwing Spear........................................2 Inf.
Heavy Armor (Hero only).........................2 Inf.
Horse (Hero and Royal Guard only)........2 Inf.

Warrior of Rohan with shield → Rider of Rohan with shield
Warrior of Rohan with shield & throwing spear → Rider of Rohan with shield & throwing spear
Warrior of Rohan with bow → Rider of Rohan with bow

Reinforcements (D6)
1 -- No Reinforcement
2 -- Warrior of Rohan with shield
3 -- Warrior of Rohan with shield & throwing spear
4 -- Warrior of Rohan with bow
5 -- Choose one of the above
6 -- Roll again on the table below

Reinforcements (Cont’d)
1 -- Rider of Rohan with shield
2 -- Rider of Rohan with shield and throwing spear
3 -- Rider of Rohan with bow
4 -- Rohan Royal Guard with shield
5 -- Rohan Royal Guard with shield and throwing spear
6 -- Rohan Royal Guard with shield and horse

Special Rules
Horse Lord -- The Rohirrim are known for their close ties to their mounts. Many riders and their horses have become legendary for their valiant adventures together. The hero may use his Fate points to save wounds against his horse.

Hero of Legend -- Some heroes’ reputation and skill in battle is so great that others follow their directions without question. The player may roll a dice when this hero spends a point of Might to call a heroic action. On a score of 4+, the player need not reduce the hero’s Might score -- the Might point was effectively ‘free.’ This ability can be used once per turn and does not apply to Might used to modify a dice roll.


I left out the Outriders because although they fit thematically, they kind of mess up the scheme with their Fate points. I also left out the Sons of Eorl because they are a historical troop type and wouldn't mesh well with Royal Guards in the same company.

Author:  numenor [ Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [BCUpdate] Faction: Rohan

hero of legend is really powerful. might want to reconsider. also how using Grimbold's Helmingas

Author:  Erunion [ Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [BCUpdate] Faction: Rohan

I don't think Hero of Legend is as powerful as you might think. If, for instance, a Hero had 3 Might and only used them one at a time, and only for heroic actions, then He has a statistically, he could have 4.5 points of Might in a given game. That said, if others think it is overpowered as well, it could be modified to a 5+ roll.

As far as the Helmingas, aren't they just regular WoR with an extra point of Strength?

Author:  Highlordell [ Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [BCUpdate] Faction: Rohan

Yes I believe so. Given that there is quite a bit a variation in troops for Rohan, I'd like to see if you can find a way to incorporate them into the scheme of things somehow, if only on a 'Reinforcements Table' roll of a 6 or something.

Author:  Erunion [ Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [BCUpdate] Faction: Rohan

I see your point, but the Helmingas aren't really a different troop type as much as a special rule upgrade...

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