The One Ring

House rule for using the table edge.
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Author:  The Horde Lord [ Sat Apr 02, 2011 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  House rule for using the table edge.

Hi, I was thinking about hosting a microscopic tournament with a series of one on one matches with the only objective being to destroy the enemy army. However the problem is that whichever player/army that has the ranged advantage may decide to just position themselves in a corner and use the table edges to prevent being flanked. The tactic itself I have no problem with if the player were to use terrain features, but the table edge isn't supposed to be there in RL. Therefore I was thinking about adding a house rule that would penalize players for doing so by reducing the army's stats. I would just like to stress that I do not have any problem with a fall back and shoot tactic only the use of the table edge as if it were a terrain feature. The board will of course be big enough so that it will be unnatural to use the table edges. My question is really what do you suggest as a penalty for being within x" of a table edge on your half of the table.

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