The One Ring

wizard duels
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Author:  Gandalf the Pilgrim [ Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  wizard duels

I was just thinking about all the great duels between wizards, especially in the movies. The struggle between Saruman and Gandalf, the Witch King and Gandalf in the third. I decided it would be great if somehow there could be similar situations in the SBG. So I came up with a few ideas, and was wondering if you guys could give suggestions or feedback.
So here is one idea I came up with:
Any wizard may challenge another wizard to a duel (wizard being a model that can cast spells) The duel continues until one wizard saps all the others will or wins a round and stops it. In each round each player rolls a dice. I was thinking of adding some sort of duel value to each different spell caster, say Saruman more powerful than Gandalf, but Gandalf more powerful than an orc shaman, and then adding the dice roll to the duel value, but I'm not exactly sure how powerful each wizard should be. Help on that would be appreciated. Whoever gets the higher dice roll wins the round, these dice rolls can be influenced by will, but not might to represent it's a magical duel. The loser of the duel loses a point of will, or the winner can opt to end the duel, so no further rounds will be fought. An alternative to doing this would be you expend one point of will at the start of each round, and the loser loses an additional will. The duel can continue until it is ended by a winner or one of the duelers runs out of will. The winner of the later can choose to inflict as many S3 wounds as he wants, but must expend 1 will per hit.

So what do you guys think? Comments and suggestions would be appreciated.

Author:  The Horde Lord [ Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: wizard duels

Why don't you just have the wizards come close to each other during a game and try to kill each other with spells?

Author:  Gandalf the Pilgrim [ Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: wizard duels

Because it never happens, and trust me, I've tried. As soon as a wizard with a spell that can actually hurt someone gets near another wizard, the second wizard runs away or transfixes the first. I personally feel that this would encourage wizard vs wizard actions.

Author:  Kyrrial Deogar [ Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: wizard duels

i see where your comming from and it is an iteresting idea, curious to see how it turns out. I dont think i can add much to the devellopment because i dont normally use wizards but you should somehow include the Your Staff Is Broken into it, mostly because the a lot of the hero magic users get a free point per turn. Also the broken staff would tie in with the movies (saruman with his staff, witchking exploading gandalfs)

Author:  Gandalf the Pilgrim [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: wizard duels

That's a good idea, maybe at the end of the duel the victor could role a dice, on a score of 4+ or something the enemies staff would be broken, but what about the wizards that don't have these staffs? Should there be an extra attack, or should there be a courage penalty of some sort?

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