Elder Races Rule! wrote:
of course dwarves are fairly strong. They normally go around wearing very heavy armour/ an large array of axes for throwing/2 handed ones/normal ones etc.
...in PJ movies. In the book Gimli only had one axe.
All other men, and even most numenorians in the 3rd age would still be weaker than an elf or dwarf in the 3rd age but there is more of them.
What's your source for this? Why would Gimli not want to tackle the Dunlendings at Helm's Deep, but had no problem with the Orcs and Uruk Hai? His quote is in a different By the Book thread.
Personally i would vote for dwarves, uruks, noldor and elite men as being strength 4. But my view of what uruks are seem to differ to yours. I believe uruks are the half me/half orc mix while i think that you think of uruks as big orcs
And they are:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uruk-haiwikipedia wrote:
Other forces in Saruman's armies, and under his command in the Shire, are also speculated in the novel to be hybrids of Orcs and Men. However, these individuals, called "half-orcs" and "goblin-men" in The Two Towers, were sallow-skinned, squint-eyed, and as tall as Men while the Uruk-hai were darker and not as tall. Another distinction was in soldiering ability; Saruman's Uruk-hai's discipline compared very favorably to Orcs of Mordor and Moria, but his half-Orcs showed no more competence than common ruffians. These are also never described simply as Orcs, as the Uruk-hai frequently are. An account of the first Battle of the Fords of Isen in Unfinished Tales (part of Tolkien's hitherto unpublished writings) apparently treats Uruk-hai and "orc-men" separately.