The One Ring

"By the Book" Goblins
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Author:  Gothmog 3rd [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Hello, I just thought of something, seeing as Durburz doesn't exist in the Tolkien universe, I have created an alternatives for the use of the minature (Azog) as well as a Goblin King and Bog profile.

Goblin King ... 55 points

F ... S D A W C ... M/W/F
4/4+ 3 5 2 2 4 ..... 2/2/1

A Goblin King wears armour and carries a hand weapon. He may purchase additional equipment at the following cost:

shield .................. 5 points
bow ....................... 5 points
warg ...................... 10 points

Special rules: Cave Dweller, Backstabber, Iron Fist (see GW's Durburz)*.

He will of course also have any additional special rule we decide for the Captains.

* very debatable both in cost and existance. (I valued it at 10 points).

Azog, King of Moria ... 75 points

F S D A W C ... M/W/F
4/- 4 6 3 2 4 .... 3/2/1

Azog wears crude heavy armour and carries a large scimitar (may be used as two-handed weapon or a hand weapon).

special rules: Cave Dweller, Backstabber, Fureous Leader (always count as being under the effect of fury).

He will of course have any special rules we decide for the Captains.

Bog, Son of Azog ... 60 points

F S D A W C ... M/W/F
4/- 3 6 2 2 4 ..... 2/2/2

Bog wears crude heavy armour and carries a hand weapon. He may purchase additional equipment at the following cost:

Warg ................. 10 points
shield .................. 5 points

Special rules: Cave Dweller, Backstabber, Iron Fist.

He will of course have any special rules we decide for the Captains.

Hope you like my suggestions and I hope they are not GWish. I personally think there should be a rule that forbidde the players from fielding more than single king except for the notable exception of Azog and Bog which of course could be fielded togheter.

Author:  Queen BerĂșthiel [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

yeah it is kinda weird if you have an army with to kings from the same realm (a realm with to kings at the same time weird)

Author:  Gothmog 3rd [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Queen BerĂșthiel wrote:
yeah it is kinda weird if you have an army with to kings from the same realm (a realm with to kings at the same time weird)

Indeed, Welcome to the OR by the way. hoping to see more of your posts in "By the Book" threads.

Author:  whafrog [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 3:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice work as usual :)

Gothmog 3rd wrote:
# Even if we were to give Iron Fist to the king, I am not sure if Azog should have it. Especially if we consider taking the Fureous Leader rule.

I agree.

** If we count Furious Leader as 15 points, Azog is mathmaticly worth 100 points, correct me if I am wrong. I made him 10 points cheaper because he is relatively easy to kill and cannot take any equipment.

I'm curious why you think it's worth 15 points? I guess he never has to roll courage, but maybe that means he has no Standfast at all...and at 90 points, I'm not sure he's worth it. It looks to me like he's worth 70 points without any special rules

I personally think there should be a rule that forbidde the players from fielding more than single king except for the notable exception of Azog and Bog which of course could be fielded togheter.


Author:  BaruKhazad [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 3:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

whafrog wrote:

I personally think there should be a rule that forbidde the players from fielding more than single king except for the notable exception of Azog and Bog which of course could be fielded togheter.


What about saying the goblin king is a named character(without name)? So you can automaticly only field one, just as you can only field one gimli(as example)

Author:  Gothmog 3rd [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

BaruKhazad wrote:
What about saying the goblin king is a named character(without name)? So you can automaticly only field one, just as you can only field one gimli(as example)

Great idea Buruk Khazad.

@Whafrog. If you are affected by fury, you are not exepted from rolling courage tests, you just pass them automatichly. :) Hope I made the difference clear. Therefore I counted it as 15 points, especially since my profile included Iron Fist. Yes, he is worth 70 points without special rules, I don't know why I counted Iron fist as 15 points though, must have been a mathmatic mistake. If we take away Iron Fist he would be 80 points (10 points for FL). But I think we shold deduct 5 extra points to justify the fact that he is easy to kill (2 wounds and 1 Fate aren't much to brag about even if you count fury).

I have edited his profile.

Edit: I have given Bog the option of a shield.

Author:  MuslimRohirrim [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

good job!

I personally think there should be a rule that forbidde the players from fielding more than single king except for the notable exception of Azog and Bog which of course could be fielded togheter.


As for Bog, he could have special rule to reduce some of his status if he's to be fielded with Azog.

can we give the shield option to Azog for 5 points and in such case he can't use his scimitar as 2H.

Author:  Gothmog 3rd [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice to have you back man.

MuslimRohirrim wrote:

As for Bog, he could have special rule to reduce some of his status if he's to be fielded with Azog.


can we give the shield option to Azog for 5 points and in such case he can't use his scimitar as 2H.

I excluded Azog from the Shield option because I gave him crude heavy armour (2+Defence). I think it fits better with both the character and the minature.

Author:  MuslimRohirrim [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 3:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Gothmog 3rd wrote:
Nice to have you back man.

Thanks! sometime it's hard to spare time :wink:

As for Bog, he could have special rule to reduce some of his status if he's to be fielded with Azog.


I was thinking to illustrate his rage after his father's death, to gain something only if his father dies or if he's fielded alone...

Also it seems from the books that Azog was more strong, courageous and a better warrior in general than his son. Bolg on the other hand preferred to hide behind his huge size strong orcs bodyguard shiled armed with scimitars of steel as in the war of five armies and they saved him the fight against Thorin Oakenshield.

I see you are giving more strength and might to Azog which is really representative, but I am not sure why Bolg's extra Fate...
may be we can replace it with extra rule to represent using guards, may be prowlers can act as his guards or that they grow stronger in certain zone around him in some way...

sorry for lots of ideas. no time to filter them so they're just in the line of generating ideas and sharing thoughts that may or may not make a lot of sense.

Author:  Gothmog 3rd [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Bolg ruled Moria for 150 years (long time), therefore I have given him extra Fate. I like your idea of him being a coward and hiding behind his bodyguards though 8). When it comes to a special rule for his father's death, I wouldn't recommend it. As it was pointed out in the Rohan thread, there are many such bonds that would enrage a beloved one, such as Aragorn - Arwen, Elrond - Arwen, Tranduil - Legolas. There is a ton of them actually.

Author:  whafrog [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Anyone care to provide a summary of what we've done so far for Goblins?

Actually, what would be really handy is a formatting template that can be shared so all the profiles look good. I don't know how articles are done on this sight, but I like the look of them, and somebody must have a standard set of codes they use for tables, headers, etc.

For that matter, maybe we need a general article template, such as:

- Intro, describes region and race, general description and rationale of changes from GW profiles to fit the books
- Special rules: rules that apply to all profiles from this region/race
- Profile:
--Name, description, F/S S D A W C MWF Points
--Default Wargear
--Wargear Upgrades
--Special rules

Then maybe we can have a "By the Book - Master Thread" that has links to the most recent summary for each region.


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