The One Ring

tactics for gondor
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Author:  dernathala [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  tactics for gondor

i have a gondorian force of
knights of minas tirithx4
captian of minis tirithx1
minis tirith bannerbearerx1
gondorian archersx8
gondorian spearmenx8
gondorian warriorsx8

and im going up agiants
moranon orcsx20

what should my strategy be
he likles to just charge with his wargs and follow with his troops so ithought of doing
------- ----------------
knights captian knights

bringing the knights around on a pincer movment and just waiting them out with archers

Author:  whafrog [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Looks to me like you are way outnumbered points-wise.

You don't say what equipment you have for everybody, but just a rough guess:

Capt, shield: 55 points
KoMT, shield x 4: 56 points
WoMT, banner: 32 points
WoMT, bows x 8: 64 points
WoMT, shield x 8: 64 points
WoMT, spear x8: 64 points

30 models, 2 might, 8 bows, 335 points


Lurtz: 60 points
Morannon Orcs, spear x 10: 80 points
Morannon Orcs, shield x 10: 80 points
Warg Riders, shield x 2: 26 points
Warg Riders, bow x 2: 26 points
Warg Riders, throwing spears x 2: 28 points
Uruk Hai, shields x 10: 100
Uruk Hai, pike x 10: 100

47 models, 3 might, 2 bows, 500 points

I believe the Uruks will feast on man-flesh tonight! :twisted:

BTW, his army isn't LoME legal, because you can't ally Morannon Orcs without a hero. Dropping those would make the contest pretty fair.

Author:  dernathala [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

what is loME

Author:  whafrog [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

dernathala wrote:
what is loME

The Legions of Middle Earth supplement. It limits the kind of alliances you can make, to prevent cheap power gaming. It also has some excellent generic scenario rules.

Author:  Angrok [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Furthermore, if those 20x Uruk-hai are the "Fighting Uruk-hai" (ie warriors with heavy armor and pikes, shields, or crossbows) then his list is also illegal because the Uruk-hai Warriors are in the Legions of the White Hand list while Lurtz is a Isengard Raiders Hero. If they are Uruk-hai Scouts then his list will be legal if he drops the Morannon Orcs.

Author:  dernathala [ Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:34 am ]
Post subject: 

let me go ahead and say that i dont play by the officail rules for armies because i just play family and we do what we want

Author:  whafrog [ Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:51 am ]
Post subject: 

dernathala wrote:
let me go ahead and say that i dont play by the officail rules for armies because i just play family and we do what we want

No problem, we do too. But sometimes knowing the LoME rules helps keep things balanced. And his army *is* 165 points bigger than yours. Tell him he can have one more Uruk hai, and you'll take Aragorn. :)

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