The One Ring

two overlapping heroic moves
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Author:  werennor [ Fri Nov 01, 2019 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  two overlapping heroic moves

Two weeks ago I played a game with a friend using a small Moria army with just two heroes. He played dwarfes with the same points sum but of course less models.

In one turn I called two heroic moves with my heroes, not seeing at that time, that the heroes were less then 6" apart. So the second hero was influenced by the "Follow me" of the first hero.

But what to do then with his own heroic move and his own "Follow me"? My intention was to bring most of my army in combat by these two actions. Did I sabotage myself?

We played it in the way, that my second hero stood still, so couldn't move later in this turn, but he cried his "Follow me" after the first heroic move, so that the models in 6" around him could move a little bit to get in close combot or at least into a better position on the board.

I'm not sure, if this was correctly according to the rules.

What do you think?

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Sun Nov 03, 2019 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: two overlapping heroic moves

That is an interesting question really. I would think that the way you played it works with the rules of the game but I don't see any reason why the second heroic move couldn't have been fired while the hero was moving under the influence of the first heroic move. If you just moved the second hero as the last model to move as part of the first heroes' move then everything that the second move catches with either have already moved or be moving as part of the second heroes' heroic move.

If you had moved one hero and then gone right to the other so that both heroic moves overlapped models I think that it might create a technical conflict between the actions that could be said to freeze a model in place. But that would be stretching the wording of the rule.

Author:  werennor [ Sun Nov 03, 2019 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: two overlapping heroic moves

Thanks a lot, Wan Shi Tong, for your helpful answer.

I was surprised by this situation, but had to handle it somehow.

The second hero has a restriction in his movement, because he has to end his move in 6" around the first hero.

But should I ever get in the same situation once again, I will play it following the way you suggested.

Author:  Gundalad [ Sun Jan 05, 2020 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: two overlapping heroic moves

I would say you sabotaged yourself as you say, as there isn’t a choice to ignore come with me, so it would be down to which hero you opted to say it first, and the other would forgo his chance.

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