The One Ring

In the way bow fire.
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Author:  chiefhugh [ Wed Sep 21, 2016 7:19 am ]
Post subject:  In the way bow fire.

Recently played a game where my buddy shot at my captain but one of the shots passed directly over on of my warriors base before hitting the captain. Should that have been a in the way shot? His point was that the body of the warrior wasn't in the way. I thought if it passed through the model or over the base of the model enroute to its intended target, that there must be an in the way roll. If its only the warrior its self then couldn't I rotate the warrior slightly so that the shot then goes through the warrior first?

Author:  Steven bonnar [ Wed Sep 21, 2016 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In the way bow fire.

chiefhugh wrote:
Recently played a game where my buddy shot at my captain but one of the shots passed directly over on of my warriors base before hitting the captain. Should that have been a in the way shot? His point was that the body of the warrior wasn't in the way. I thought if it passed through the model or over the base of the model enroute to its intended target, that there must be an in the way roll. If its only the warrior its self then couldn't I rotate the warrior slightly so that the shot then goes through the warrior first?

Model only and you'd have needed to have the model in that position before the shooting phase as you can move during the shooting phase.

Author:  chiefhugh [ Wed Sep 21, 2016 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In the way bow fire.

Cool. Thanks for the clarification.

Author:  Steven bonnar [ Wed Sep 21, 2016 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In the way bow fire.

chiefhugh wrote:
Cool. Thanks for the clarification.

Glad to help, model placement is a learning game for all of us! :)

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