The One Ring

Army leaders and warband leaders
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Author:  Frediadoc [ Sat Nov 21, 2015 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Army leaders and warband leaders


Can my army leader be from a different contingnent or even from a different armybook then the rest of my force? Like for example Elven leader for a Minas Tirith army, or Aragorn, Strider, Leading army of Minas Tirith?

And also is it against the rules to make a same thing with warbands? Like Legolas leading a Dwarf warband. :)

Author:  Dr Grant [ Tue Nov 24, 2015 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Army leaders and warband leaders


Welcome to the forum!

Yes, your leader can be from a different army list to the rest of your army and in fact this is a common choice for players for both fluffy reasons and cheesy competitive reasons.

On the fluffy side you often see Gandalf the White as the leader of what is otherwise a complete army of Gondor. On the cheesier side you get things like putting the Undying on Fell Beast in as the leader for every Evil army under the sun so yeah, it's totally fine!

As for the second part, no, you can't do that, each Hero can only lead warriors from the same army list so Legolas can only lead warriors from the Lothlorien and Mirkwood (for the LOTR profiles) and Thranduil's Halls (for the Hobbit profiles) lists.

Hope that heps!

Author:  Frediadoc [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Army leaders and warband leaders

Yes! Thank you very much. :)

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