The One Ring

Movement Phase question.
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Author:  Wisedragon13 [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Movement Phase question.

Are you allowed to move the same unit multiple times?

For example I hide my goblin prowlers behind my shield wall as I advance. Once within reach to charge I was wondering if it was possible to move the shield carriers aside, then let prowlers charge in so it can use its throw weapon ability, then go back to the shielded warrior and finish the rest of his move and charge in as well.
Thank you.

Author:  Monotone_Matt [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement Phase question.

That's allowed as far as I know, as long as your units don't move more than their alloted range per move phase.

Author:  Curufinwë [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement Phase question.

Wisedragon13 wrote:
Are you allowed to move the same unit multiple times?

For example I hide my goblin prowlers behind my shield wall as I advance. Once within reach to charge I was wondering if it was possible to move the shield carriers aside, then let prowlers charge in so it can use its throw weapon ability, then go back to the shielded warrior and finish the rest of his move and charge in as well.
Thank you.

On movement the way I understand it you can move your models in any way you want as long as they don't stop within the control zone of an enemy model without charging it, and it doesn't exceed it allowed movement. Each model is independent of the others in SBG so they don't all have to charge the same model.

So for instance you have priority, advance your goblins 3 inches so that they are outside the control zone of an enemy model you could then have them sidestep 2 inches to move out of the way and give your prowlers a gap to charge the model. In this case I would be assuming the 3 inch move put the shields right outside the control zone, a control zone is 1 inch so the prowlers can use their remaining 2 inch movement to complete their charge.

Author:  SidTheSloth [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement Phase question.

Curufinwë wrote:
... can move your models in any way you want as long as they don't stop within the control zone of an enemy model without charging it

Also, a model cannot pass through an enemy's control zone (see p15, MoM rulebook)

Wisedragon13 wrote:
Are you allowed to move the same unit multiple times?

For example I hide my goblin prowlers behind my shield wall as I advance. Once within reach to charge I was wondering if it was possible to move the shield carriers aside, then let prowlers charge in so it can use its throw weapon ability, then go back to the shielded warrior and finish the rest of his move and charge in as well.
Thank you.

I don't mean to nitpick but your examle doesnt work. Thrown weapons can only be used directly before (just outside the enemy's control zone) charging a model or they can be used like any other ranged weapon in the shoot phase.


Author:  Dezartfox [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement Phase question.

Pg21 of big rulebook will answer this ;)

Basically no, each model must finish their move before moving onto the next model.

Author:  Wisedragon13 [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement Phase question.

Dezartfox wrote:
Pg21 of big rulebook will answer this ;)

Basically no, each model must finish their move before moving onto the next model.

I agree then.

So SBG My Goblin w/shield would be 2" from a Minas Tirith warrior. I move goblin forward 1" then to left 1". Then I would move Prowler forward 2", throw weapon before entering charge range, then finish charge having moved the prowler forward 3" total. Then I was wondering if I would be able to then use the remaining 3" move on my Goblin w/shield to then charge the Gondor Warrior.
The purpose for this would be to allow my prowler to throw weapon without having to throw into a combat. I only have the MoM set and just got back into it after 2 years off.

Thanks for everyones help and support.

Author:  Curufinwë [ Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement Phase question.

SidTheSloth wrote:
Also, a model cannot pass through an enemy's control zone (see p15, MoM rulebook)

Knew I was forgetting something.

SidTheSloth wrote:
I don't mean to nitpick but your examle doesnt work. Thrown weapons can only be used directly before (just outside the enemy's control zone) charging a model or they can be used like any other ranged weapon in the shoot phase.

I need to read more carefully, I missed the whole throwing weapons part of his question as well as his desire to attack with the shield bearing goblins after the prowlers attacked...

Author:  whafrog [ Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement Phase question.

Wisedragon13 wrote:
Dezartfox wrote:
Basically no, each model must finish their move before moving onto the next model.

...Then I was wondering if I would be able to then use the remaining 3" move on my Goblin w/shield to then charge the Gondor Warrior. ...

No, because once you've moved the Prowler your Goblin w/shield can't move again. That's what "each model must finish their move" means.

It can definitely be frustrating having your own guys in the way of what you want to do :) it just takes some planning ahead to deal with it.

Author:  Constantine [ Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement Phase question.

Pg21 of big rulebook will answer this ;)

Basically no, each model must finish their move before moving onto the next model.

Nooo :sad: I had never noticed that... that's a bummer.

Author:  Wisedragon13 [ Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement Phase question.

Cool, Ya I only have the MoM book and it says "Each player can move his models an any order." But now seeing the big rulebook compliments it by adding "each model must finish their move before moving onto the next model."

Thanks for the help!

Author:  whafrog [ Mon Dec 17, 2012 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement Phase question.

Constantine wrote:
Pg21 of big rulebook will answer this ;)

Basically no, each model must finish their move before moving onto the next model.

Nooo :sad: I had never noticed that... that's a bummer.

:) I have a friend who approaches the move phase with both hands on a group. Every time I have to ask him "what are you doing?" and he says "I'm just going to swap these guys around because I want the guy behind to attack the troll..." I'm sure he gets away with it when the other team distracts me with a rule question.

Next game I'm going to tie one of his hands behind his back... :-D

Author:  ncea [ Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Movement Phase question.

whafrog wrote:
Constantine wrote:
Pg21 of big rulebook will answer this ;)

Basically no, each model must finish their move before moving onto the next model.

Nooo :sad: I had never noticed that... that's a bummer.

:) I have a friend who approaches the move phase with both hands on a group. Every time I have to ask him "what are you doing?" and he says "I'm just going to swap these guys around because I want the guy behind to attack the troll..." I'm sure he gets away with it when the other team distracts me with a rule question.

Next game I'm going to tie one of his hands behind his back... :-D

Wow i can't believe i never knew this rule. My friend does the exact same thing your friend does, I thought it was stupid and that it was against the rules but i didn't know why/couldn't think of a reason why (he pretty much beat me every game because he did this and i didn't). So I ended up doing it as well and most games started to be draws or extremely close.

I'm really glad I found this rule, it might change the move phases for being so strange and hopefully add more tactics somehow.

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