The One Ring

Planning my moria board - How wide a tunnel can be blocked?
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Author:  elliodoc [ Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Planning my moria board - How wide a tunnel can be blocked?

Hi all,

I have another noob question that will help me plan my moria board. I would be grateful for your help.

If I understand the basic rules correctly, a model can't move within 20mm of another (the control zone) unless it's gong to charge all the way into combat. Therefore I assume a typical mini with 25mm base can block a tunnel that's less than 115mm wide by standing in the middle of it. I assume if it stood in the middle then it blocks 25mm by its base, plus 20mm on either side by its control zone, leaving less than 25mm on either side for another mini to squeeze past? Is this right? 115mm seems quite wide.

For the sake of argument I'm assuming both models have 25mm bases.

Thank you.

Author:  SidTheSloth [ Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Planning my moria board - How wide a tunnel can be block

yes, that is right bbuuuutt...
if your defending model is in combat then the control zone has no effect. then the enemy could clip past and stab you in the back.

Author:  elliodoc [ Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Planning my moria board - How wide a tunnel can be block

OK that makes sense. An attacker could throw a cheap warrior at a blocking hero with the sole intention of keeping them busy (ie negating the control zone) so that other stronger models can slip past.

Presumably a tunnel less than 75mm wide could block a passage until the blocking model was slain, as the control wouldn't then be needed to stop others slipping past. Base widths alone would be sufficient.


Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Planning my moria board - How wide a tunnel can be block

That's about right if you are trying to set up a couple choke points in the game board. It will be up to the players to get to these points first and use them to the max.

As a warning…choke points of any sort can make a game long, tedious, boring or frustrating (or all the above!). So be cautious. This goes for rivers with bridge crossings, tunnels, etc. I’ve played both LotR and historical games where a bad table set up really robbed the fun for both sides simply due to a really successful choke point.

If it’s there for a specific scenario purpose (such as Gandalf holding the Bridge long enough for the others to escape) then that’s great. If it’s a general board for random play you should look at ways that the opponent can get around the choke point (even if it’s a longer route they have to fight their way through). Or if you are playing with goblins or spiders or such where they can climb as easy as walk then they may be able to get by via the walls (or at least get more attacks on the defender by leveraging the walls in addition to the floor). But against an army with really high Defense or similar advantages a good choke point can be as bad as facing a full-bows Grey Company army or similar one-sided games.

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