The One Ring

Grey Company clarity...Armybuilder problem?
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Author:  Rozinante [ Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:30 am ]
Post subject:  Grey Company clarity...Armybuilder problem?

Sorry to rehash this...but I posted this last May:

"I thought that only the Warbands that go over the bow limit need the RotN....

8 Warriors of Arnor
4 Rangers w/ Spear

Captain of Arnor
8 Warriors of Arnor
4 Rangers w/ Spear

Captain of Arnor
12 Rangers w/ Spear

3 Rangers of the North (one for each in WB that goes over)

Hithero affirmed it was legal: no one added any other opinions. However my Armybuilder will not let me do this, but goes into Harad Bow mode: all Grey Company or none. I hope it is an Armybuilder glitch...but the Grey Co wording is not clear, and I was afraid consensis might be leaning another way. What is the latest?

Author:  WhoelsebutHaldir [ Fri Aug 31, 2012 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Grey Company clarity...Armybuilder problem?

Should be legal, but you might only need 2 ROTN, Im not sure though I don't own the kingdoms of men book.

Author:  whafrog [ Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grey Company clarity...Armybuilder problem?

Your army is legal, and yes you need the 3 RotN. Sounds like army builder has a glitch.

Author:  WhoelsebutHaldir [ Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grey Company clarity...Armybuilder problem?

Oh ok my bad

Author:  Rozinante [ Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grey Company clarity...Armybuilder problem?


Author:  whafrog [ Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grey Company clarity...Armybuilder problem?

Looking at this again, maybe the issue armybuilder is having is it's viewing the entire force as an Arnor force, but what you really have is an Arnor force allied with a Grey Company force. I don't have armybuilder, but if possible you might try separating them into their two contingent groups.

Author:  Rozinante [ Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grey Company clarity...Armybuilder problem?

A different interpretation is brewing over on Last Alliance.

BlackMist wrote:
Thems the rulz

The Arnor contingent is either Arnor or Grey Company, it cannot be both. Makes sense thematically too - the two lived thousands of years apart.

That is an interpretation of the rules...nice if it was so clear. Islidur and Aragon can ally, so thematic sense is no longer a factor in the rules, it seems. Whafrog and Hithero signed off on the 'Grey Co as 'contingent' in the Arnor force' interpretation. I also favor this less limiting take on the rules, because Arnor is crippled enough in Warbands, with no more cheap heroes or hobbit archers.

That aside, we decide. Consensus over on One Ring was clearly that Arnor could have a Grey Co unit... Arnor and Grey Co are not two separate armies forbidden to ally...unless we decide that. Did the makers intend that? Maybe the FAQ will clear it up.

I will go with the consensus, of course...if we can come to one. Good arguments on either side... But why shouldn't Arnor be able to have a Special Archer unit?

Here is the whole thread: ... =egosearch

I am curious. I will be sad is "letter of the law" wins the day.

Author:  whafrog [ Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grey Company clarity...Armybuilder problem?

Rozinante wrote:
A different interpretation is brewing over on Last Alliance.

Yeah, I saw that too, and in all honesty I have to change my opinion and agree with BlackMist's interpretation, as well as for thematic reasons.

Also, I'm not sure allying GC with Arnor would give that much of an advantage, you might as well just max bows. GC is much reduced in power in the warband system, and each RotN is 3 regular troops, one of which could shoot.

Rozinante wrote:
But why shouldn't Arnor be able to have a Special Archer unit?

I do agree with that. Even at its height, Arnor was a wild and unpopulated place, and a force of ranger types would have made sense. What they need is a good mid-range GC-type hero that isn't limited by the thematic timeline.

Author:  Rozinante [ Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grey Company clarity...Armybuilder problem?

thematic reasons? Isildur & Aragon can legally ally, but an Arnor army can't contain Arnor troops and a concentrated unit of Arnor Rangers? Seems crazy. So it looks like the consensus is, indeed, shifting.

Here is my latest attempt over on Last Alliance...but if the consensus is changing, I bow to more experienced players, of course.

BlackMist wrote:Arnor is not forbidden that unit. Arnor IS that unit if it wants to be. All other forces are allying an Arnor contingent which counts as Grey Company. They are not allying a Grey Company separate from a different list.

That is a valid interpretation. I get your reasoning.

Here is another, hopefully also valid interpretation from One Ring:
“You may take a Grey Company force. If you do so, your [Grey Co.] force (or an allied [Grey Co] contingent in your [Good] force) that contains only models from the Arnor list can take up to 4 Rangers of Arnor for each RotN or Dunedain it contains. It can do so even if this [allying in of the Grey Co contingent] would take it [your Good force] above the normal limit.

Read this way, I see no exclusion of Arnor as a Good force, or even a mention that it has to be one or the other....unless we so strictly define 'ally' as ONLY with another army, and that Arnor can't include its own special archers unit.

The wording is not clear. I hope an errata FAQ clears it up.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grey Company clarity...Armybuilder problem?

Rozinante has the closest to it. Grey Comapny and Arnor are still the same list not seperate factions, regardless of theme, so you either take max 33% bows or you take 1 RotN/Dunedain for every 4 Rangers of Arnor. You can still take Warriors of Arnor in a Grey Company list, you just don't need as many. So this army:
8 Warriors of Arnor
4 Rangers w/ Spear

Captain of Arnor
8 Warriors of Arnor
4 Rangers w/ Spear

Captain of Arnor
12 Rangers w/ Spear

3 Rangers of the North (one for each in WB that goes over)

would need to take 2 more RotN to be legal.

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