The One Ring

SBG Isildur with Horse and Ring...
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Author:  Rozinante [ Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  SBG Isildur with Horse and Ring...

Does the whole model get invisibility rights...or just the rider? A thread in April left the question unresolved, but good points made.

The rule for Elven Cloaks was mentioned...but should the greatest magic item ever created be compared to some wimpy Elven camoflage magic...? The One Ring is powerful enough...could it be willed into making horse & rider invisible? Certainly by Gandalf or Galadriel... Denethor thought he could use it. But arguing for the sense of it within Tolkien's world could range on. I am more interested in table top realities.

The rule says simply, "The model is deemed impossible to see." Horse and rider are considered one model...

What would a GT ref decide?

Author:  DomyHill [ Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG Isildur with Horse and Ring...

some wimpy Elven camoflage magic...?

Shame on you. :-X

Secondly when Frodo puts the ring on all his clothes and weaponry turn invisible too, so perhaps a horse would too. However when Gollum mugs Frodo, Gollum doesn't turn invisible so we can't assume everything Frodo touches turns invisible and maybe only the wearer of the ring (and his stuff) goes invisible.

Although the ring is supposed to increase the power of the wearer and Isildur would have been much more powerful than a Hobbit so maybe he could have willed that his horse be shrouded in invisibility too.

Interesting question.

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Wed Aug 29, 2012 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG Isildur with Horse and Ring...

From a game only perspective, in all cases in SBG that I can think of the rule is that the horse and rider are one from the perspective of the model and if the rule does in fact read: "The model is deemed impossible to see." then per SBG I would allow that the model (horse and rider) is impossible to see.

From a ME perspective, I don't believe the horse would have gone invisible.

The two (SBG rules and ME 'reality' ) don't always match perfectly. Any land unit having a chance to charge against a flying model is a classic example. Unless the Eagle or FB chooses to charge, you would think they are circling happily above the heads of the enemy on the ground. But from a gaming perspective it donsn't work well.

Author:  Draugluin [ Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG Isildur with Horse and Ring...

Actually, I would say that the reason why Gollum didn't turn invisible is because he is a completely different, sentient, creature whereas a horse isn't. So a horse could be described as "his stuff", but another person couldn't be.

Author:  Rozinante [ Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG Isildur with Horse and Ring...

Beowulf03809 wrote:
From a game only perspective, in all cases in SBG that I can think of the rule is that the horse and rider are one from the perspective of the model and if the rule does in fact read: "The model is deemed impossible to see." then per SBG I would allow that the model (horse and rider) is impossible to see.

Thanks. Nice to see you back.

Author:  Dionysian [ Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG Isildur with Horse and Ring...

From a Middle-Earth explanation, I think it would make sense that if his clothing and other material possessions are rendered invisible, that his mode of transportation would also disappear to the naked eye. In-game, I believe the mount and rider are treated as one model.

But, for sake of argument... Elven cloaks do not conceal the rider, if I'm not mistaken. This could be a point of reference.

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG Isildur with Horse and Ring...

But that's because they don't render the rider invisible, they only allow the wearer to blend in, which would be rather hard to do on a half ton animal.

Author:  Lord Hurin [ Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG Isildur with Horse and Ring...

Draugluin wrote:
But that's because they don't render the rider invisible, they only allow the wearer to blend in, which would be rather hard to do on a half ton animal.

Indeed. You'd need the rarer and more highly sought Elven quilt if you wanted to conceal a mount. :wink:

Author:  DomyHill [ Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG Isildur with Horse and Ring...

Shame Harry Potter has that one :-/ Oh sorry, wrong story. *Tiptoes out*

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