The One Ring

New cave drake and Floi, sbg
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Author:  Shadowswarm [ Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  New cave drake and Floi, sbg

the drake is already being debated wether its a warrior or not, but thats not my question.
his rules: corned beast, when do you roll for it? after you lose but before they strike you, or after they strike you?

and floi: it says that his loremaster is an ability (not a spell), so can you resist it?

Author:  gambit025 [ Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New cave drake and Floi, sbg

the drake is already being debated wether its a warrior or not, but thats not my question.
his rules: corned beast, when do you roll for it? after you lose but before they strike you, or after they strike you?

I assume you roll after you lose the fight but before the enemy strike you, as the rules quote "If a Cave Drake is defeated in a fight, check to see if it is trapped" - this is done before strikes are made, as in any combat you must check to see if models are trapped before any strikes are made. So you check if the Drake is trapped after it is defeated in a fight, and then roll for the strength 4 hits before the fight continues.

and floi: it says that his loremaster is an ability (not a spell), so can you resist it?

No it cannot be resisted as it isn't offically classed as a Magic Power, but as a Special Rule (much like the Wood Elf Sentinels' Enchanting Songs Special Rule). Though It would help if it specifically said in the rules it can't be resisted, like in the Sentinel profile.

I hope this helps. 8)

Author:  hero of gondor [ Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New cave drake and Floi, sbg

The answers above are good and clear 8)

Author:  Shadowswarm [ Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New cave drake and Floi, sbg

@hero of gondor - agreed

i think there is i bit more in favor of what you said about the drake, but i would house rule it to after they strike as the drake is already really powerful for his points. but his large base may make it way to easy to surround, so play testing will tell (but im still in favor of after... too easy to have in the middle of your battle line... he'll hardly ever get trapped then)

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