The One Ring

So hard to bring anything down...
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Author:  Nurin [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  So hard to bring anything down...

I've only played 3 small test-battles today and yesterday, to test my knights and to get into the rules again (Kinda stuck on the 40K rules =P )

Comparing to 40k, the woundchart looks about the same, and that wound chart is quite fair, giving quite a blood-spattering game.

But then when I tried with LotRSBG, I shot 8 arrows at a bunch of easterlings, which of 5 hit, but none killed. So I ended up in close combat with them straight away.

Then I realized, that a WH40K character usually have about same toughness (equals defence) as strength, making most hits 4+ to wound.

But in LotRSBG, a human got 3, which is kinda the standard, but with shields most human troops gets 5 armor, and many up to 6, which means you need a 5-6 to kill anything.

On some of the rounds, there was no more than about 1-2 casualties, and my elves tend to die very fast due to their 5 armor rather than an easterling's 6.

Am I doing anything wrong or is it supposed to be that hard to kill something?

(note: The games played were 150 points, and 120 points, 6 mounted elves versus 15 or 12 Easterlings (sidenote inside the note: Banners in low-point battles are kinda pointless to use! =o ) )

Author:  hithero [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Don't forget in Warhammer you also have a saving throw, but as SBG you need to get your tactics sorted so you don't just roll one dice needing a 6 to kill.

Author:  Nurin [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

I suppose so.. But all normal Galadrim elves got 3 strength. I guess there'll be more rapid killing as my force grows, it's still just 6 models xD

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Get more dice thrown with tactics if not numbers. Elves can out maneuver almost every foot troop in the game, so try to get some flank charges in. Do an At the Double to get in position and then charge.

You also have Terror and most Evil armies are pretty weak in Courage. If you charge and they fail their roll they are at Fight 0 for that turn, so you get +5 dice. If you charged ( +1 ) and maybe even have Glaives ( +1 ) you can be rolling 14 - 15 dice per Company. Even if you need 6's you're going to see some in those numbers.

If you want to increase your odds then look at what various Heroes and Magic can bring to you as well. There are some great options for both Galadrhim and Mirkwood Elves that I've been building around (I just don't care as much for Rivendel Elves). Look for combos that will either help increase the number of dice you throw or limit the numbers to your opponent.

Author:  Durin's Folk [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Beowulf03809, he is refering to SBG not WotR.

Yes, many models can get hard to kill when you need to roll nothing but 6's, 6/4, and so on. This is why Sauran, the Balrog, and Dragon cost so much in points. They are dificult to kill. Ganging up on models is the easiest way to kill models. The more dice you have in a fight, the more likely you are to get the numbers you need. Traping and knocking modles to the ground allow for even more dice to be rolled. Two handed weapons make killing easier with +1 on the wound chart but, come at a price of -1 to win the fight.

It may be hard for you to kill your oppenet but remember, he may have just as hard of a time as well.

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry about the SBG / WotR confusion, but many of the concepts remain. You're actually even better off though I believe.

In SBG your Elf Blades can be used as a 2H weapon to give a +1 to Wound. This is tremendous against heavily armored foes. But you can also elect to use them 1H or 2H. So get 2-3 Elves on a target (or more for something large like a Troll, Balrog, etc.). Have a few of them swing 1H to have good odds of winning the Fight roll, then have the rest swing 2H to get the damage bonus. If you can surround an enemy model the you also get double strikes.

With steps like this (which aren't hard once you've played a few games and you get a good feel for the movement rules) you'll find killing those foes becomes easier. I have often faced heavily armored Uruk Hai and Mordor Trolls with my Wood Elves (same as Galadrim but with a Defense 3).

One common piece of advice though when facing the likes of a Dragon, Balrog or Dark Lord...often just don't fight it. Maybe use a loss-leader approach to minimize the combats and just take on the rest of the army until he's broken. Or if it's an objective-based scenario then focus on the objective. Often a player that uses these big models has invested so many points in them that they are crippled in flexibility and if you simply ignore the model they have "lost" a good portion of their army.

Author:  Nurin [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Elven Blades can only be used as 1h weapons when the model is unmounted, meaning I'd have to jump off the horse and charge in, thereby losing my +1 attack for being mounted against footsoldiers, and losing my chance of pushing them to the ground getting even more attacks.

If I count correctly, an elf on a horse charging into an orc, gets +1 attack for charging, then if he wins the fight, the orc falls to the ground and gets twice as many hits against him, meaning 4 attacks from one rider - and if I somehow manage to trap him aswell, each elf gets 8 attacks?

Also, uh - Does mounted models get their +1 attack only if they charge, or always against footsoldiers? (if an orc on foot runs up to an elf, does he get 1 attack extra for being mounted, or does he have to charge the orc to get the attack?)

Author:  Malachias [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

You only double the attacks against a model one time (so either because he is trapped or because he has fallen down, it might even say that he counts as trapped when he is lying down..) and you only double the attacks made against the specific model (so if you won a fight against three orcs you still only have two attacks and then when you allocate them they get doubled against that model).

Mounted models only get their +1 attack and knockdown bonus when charging.


Author:  Nurin [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:51 pm ]
Post subject: 


Though, let's say there's been a fight between a rider and an orc, the orc wins one fight and the elf hops 1" back.

If the rider gets the priority, is that 1" enough to be considered as a charge?

Author:  Malachias [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes, the model that moved into base contact is considered charging no matter how long/short he moved.


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