The One Ring

Spear and shield question
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Author:  Elourian77 [ Thu Feb 25, 2021 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Spear and shield question

The descriptions in the Games Workshop site of the Mordor Orcs and the Morannon Orcs puzzle me.
In the Mordor Orcs it says you can build "8 [Orcs] with hand weapon and shield, 8 with spear and shield, 4 with two-handed weapon, and 4 with bow". How could i build an Orc with spear and shield, siince all of them carry the spear with two hands?
Similarly, in the Morannon Orcs it says you can build "12 [Orcs] with hand weapon and shield, and 12 with spear and shield", but 6 models can't have shiled beacuse they're holding a two-handed spear. The shields are provided, but the photos seem to contradict this.
Is there something i'm getting wrong?

Author:  Farmer Maggot [ Fri Feb 26, 2021 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spear and shield question

The Mordor orcs is definitely a mistake on the webstore, the orcs with spears don’t have shields.

The Morannon orcs do come with enough shields for every model, some of them you’d have to just attach the shield to their back. I’ve given all the ones with hand weapons a shield, but left half the spear models without shields (the ones without sculpted on shields).

Author:  Elourian77 [ Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spear and shield question

Thank you for your reply.
So, i can attach a shield to every Morannon Orc, even the ones that carry a spear with both their hands, but do they pay the shield cost and do they gain the shield bonus?
As far i can tell, regardless of what the company provides, it's better to have a few models without a shield (when you have the option) for army building cost purposes.

Author:  Alex123 [ Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spear and shield question

If you're going to a tournament, if you've glued the shields onto the models (on their backs for example) then you should pay the points cost for the shield, and you would get the defence boost. You might want to mention at the start of the game that they all have shields on their backs just in case your opponent doesn't spot it at first.

There is an argument for having everyone with spear and shield, because then you can reform your ranks and pivot in any direction easily. But on the other hand if you just have a front rank with shields and a back rank without shields, you would save points and could get another orc or two.

If you want to play the scenarios from the rulebooks they often assume you have a mix of some with shields and some without, eg. the Black Gate scenario in Quest of the Ringbearer is (from memory) 12 swords, 12 sword and shield, 12 spears, 12 spear and shield.

Author:  Elourian77 [ Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spear and shield question

Thank you both for your replies.

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