The One Ring

Looking for gamers in South London
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Author:  colonel nut [ Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Looking for gamers in South London

Hi, I have two sons aged 11 and 9 who are really enjoying painting and playing LOTR. I introduced them to the Games Workshop having been a keen Bloodbowl player myself back in the day and their specific interest in the Hobbit came from the books and films. However we're looking for any other gamers to hook up with and play against either at home or in a Games Workshop. I don't get too involved in the playing myself as I prefer the solitude of painting, although I do get frustrated when the boys break the weapons off figures I've spent hours painting! So if you're a young LOTR player or a parent of one please get in touch so we can arrange something.
Many thanks

Author:  DEMONSBANE [ Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for gamers in South London

There is an opponent finder section on the one ring, that may be a better section, to post your request. . I just posted there for my 12 yr old son, I live in Redbridge, and although 60 odd views no bites. If you can travel, we may be able to arrange games?

I am myself primarily a painter, rather than player (even though my son is a better painter than me , I can knock things which look decent, his look good :) ).

Our local GW is Romford, and would be happy to meet up there for a game during the holidays, its easier to get there at weekends or gaming night on Thurday, but another day could be arranged.

Author:  colonel nut [ Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for gamers in South London

Hi Demonsbane, I tried to send a message to you this morning but not sure if I did it right so I'm not sure if you got it. That sounds great and we can get to Romford easily enough.

Author:  DEMONSBANE [ Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for gamers in South London

Sorry i've never used messaging on this , thanks for the heads up will pn you direct.

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