SteelCalavera wrote:
Well say for example I wanted to start by painting Frodo. Where would I find some ideas of the appropriate colors to use in the new range? Any of the older articles I find or tutorials seem to have been done prior to this new range and seem to mention more mixing rather than using the various layer paints now available.
I hope that made sense, i just want to clear this up for myself first before taking on a painting project for the first time!
As a veteran of the old paints and only just coming back to the fold as a painter again quite recently I found that essentially the new paints offer "short-cuts" for techniques that used to require a deal of patience, ratio balance or skill.
For example, my old Fall of the Necromancer still goes on about mixing inks with particular measures of acrylics for use as washes, which is what I used to do, but now GW actually have premade washes available (that work much better, I must admit.)
Similarly, the technique of glazes is one that is now much easier due to the new range of "glazes" paints released by Citadel. I have found that following the new guides for flesh colours works best when using the newer paints (as they seem to use a more direct staged system now). For more specific details, I have found the old guides still work if you use the equivalent paints for the old ones (yes, to me, the colour balance does occasionally seem off, but I am a perfectionist who has used this particular sourcebook for quite some time and I have older models to compare it with)
I hope this helps clarify some of the issues.