Hello all!
I have been playing warhammer 40k for awhile now and have held back on starting a lotr sbg army due to lack of players in my area. But since the release of the hobbit movies coming i can see alot of players collecting lotr now.
I brought the Moria & Angmar book but i think ill probly go with a mordor based army. However I'm kinda confused about afew things which i hope you can answer about starting an army.
1. How many points should i aim for to start playing some pickup games at a Games workshop?
2. I was thinking of buying the 9 Nazgul finecast box and using afew of those wraiths to lead some warbands. Can i use one of these wraiths to represent named wraiths eg using one as the Undying?
3. Is using unamed wraiths a bad tactic? i only see named ringwraiths in other army lists.
4. I don't want to build a super competitive army but what are some guidelines to stick to to build a decent army? eg model # to points ratio.
5. New rulebook is out so i'll have to purchase this or is it old rules with a new title "The hobbit"?
6. As far as themes go this is important to me, but i can't figure out what units go with what. eg what units to include for a Dol guldur theme?
7. What other themes can i got with to include some giant spiders, ringwraiths & either Black guard or Numenoreans?
8. Orc spear support for my infantry, Whats the best way to do this? I only see 4 orc spearman come in a box.
9. Can an army work well using flanking spiders instead of spear support?
Hope you can help me out with some of this.