The One Ring

Are Uruk-Hai worth it?
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Author:  Kentaro [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

Hello everyone,

Yesterday i put up a topic saying that i would like to start and elf army and would like some help with the construction of it. I got alot of great feedback and was doing alot of browsing last night on what sort fo models i liked best. While researching last night i came across the character Lurtz as a miniature. I remmembered his epic fight with Aragorn and only just got defeated and that has made me decide that i would like to do a WIP Uruk-Hai army led by Lurtz.

I am currently getting £35 to spend on it and am going get the sourcebook and Lurtz.

My question is, is it basically worth starting an Uruk-Hai army or are they just a waste of time and money.

The theme will also be mostly Uruk-Hai scouts.

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

They are worth it, but if you want a semi competitive list - stay away from lurtz and scouts. I would get the sourcebook first and go through that to find the models you want, then go get them from either GW or a 3rd party source. Mahur is a very good hero as is vrasku.

Author:  Ring_of_Gyges [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

Isengard Uruk-Hai are solid. The troops are about the best evil warriors in the game, so they'll put up a good fight against most anything. Keeping heroes cheap and banners rare you shouldn't even run into too much of a problem with being outnumbered.

Mauhur and Vrasku are a shade better than Lurtz, but Lurtz is still pretty solid.

Uruk-Hai warriors are a point more expensive than Scouts and have the same profile with the exception of one pip better armor. Warriors can achieve D6 which is a lot better than D5 against S3 troops (which good armies are full of). I'd suggest painting up Lurtz and getting a couple boxes of warriors to be a base of troops. As time goes on you can add in crossbows and wargs for variety and paint up a couple more heroes.

I haven't tried scouts upgraded to Move 8, but it sounds pretty interesting to me. Is +2" movement worth 1 point of defense? Maybe, mobility is pretty slick and against S4 (which is common among evil armies) defense 5 is no worse than 6.

Author:  WhoelsebutHaldir [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

I believe scouts can be competitive if you bring orcs with spears to support them and improved movement. Stay away from lurtz though, he is pretty much the worst isengard character in the game, the other named characters are much better. Especially vrashku!

That's all I can think of. If you want a themed scout force, take lurtz but don't use him for competitive games.

Author:  Kentaro [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

Theres seems to be abit of negativity towards Lurtz :P
Just out of curiosity what is it about him that is less apealing than the other ommanders?

Thank you for the feedback

Author:  whafrog [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

Lurtz doesn't really bring anything special to the table. Mauhur, Vrasku, Ugluk, and Lurtz all have the same point costs, and also the same stat line except:

Mauhur gets and extra attack (though at the cost of 1 Might), and can give warriors extra speed;
Vrasku is like Haldir with a crossbow;
Ugluk has a great (and amusing) way to keep the troops from running away.

Lurtz has...a bow (whoop-di-do), and a shield that doesn't give him extra D because he has ... a bow.

I'd rather have a bog captain with heavy armour and shield than Lurtz, I think.

Author:  Valamir [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

I agree with whafrog- Lurtz, as great as he as thematically, has to be treated like a captain with a bow, otherwise he'll be hammered if used improperly. Mauhur is my personal favorite and Vrasku looks mighty nice.

Uruk-hai are very solid, as stated above, and are quite capable of hammering anything that gets in their way.

Author:  WhoelsebutHaldir [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

Whafrog summed it up very nicely, he's no bad per say, there are just other options that are better.

Author:  Bartelomeus [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

Nobody thinks the loss of pikes is worth mentioning?

Author:  Valamir [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

As for pikes, I trust you mean that the fact that scouts can't have pikes- yes, that is a bit of a difficulty, but having played several times with pike-less uruks, I personally have found that Mauhur's ability to extend the movement of the scouts, if properly used, can allow a good general to make up some of the lack of spear support.

Author:  Kentaro [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

Thank you for the feedback that has been give :)

On saturday i will get the source book and either scouts or ugluk and vrasku or mauher. Now iknow that i will sound like a noob for asking these following questions but hey, thats what the begginers section is for :P

1. What do you guys mean when Mauher makes my troops get extra speed?
2. What is the way that Ugluk keeps troops from running away?
3. which model(s) would be better to buy, Ugluk and Vrasku or Mauher?

Author:  Valamir [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

Going with number three first, I personally like Mauhur for several reasons- first, he is one of two uruk-hai with more attacks than a normal uruk captain. And secondly, if you take him you can pay * per uruk scout you have in your army to increase their movement by *. This upgrade operates on a model-by-model basis. Also, Mauhur is the same number of points as a captain with heavy armor and a shield. That is why I like Mauhur.

That also answered your first, so now for the second, Ugluk has an ability that allows him to pass a courage test when broken automatically, which also gives him a much larger stand fast range. It's very character appropriate, but because I wouldn't want to tell you everything, I'll leave the rest of the details for the sourcebook. ;)

*[edited by whafrog] To avoid any issues with GW, we need to be careful about offering specific profile information.

Author:  whafrog [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

Kentaro wrote:
Now iknow that i will sound like a noob for asking these following questions but hey, thats what the begginers section is for...

The only noob part of your questions is that you're asking :) We can't spell out the specifics here...GW copyright, be careful about asking for specific rules and point costs. When you're in the store you should be able to look at the book to help decide which one you like.

Personally I like them all. I believe Ugluk and Vrasku come in a blister together, whereas Mauhur is solo.

Author:  Valamir [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

Ah, it was probably you that caught me there, whafrog. Thanks- I tried to be vague, but clearly not vague enough. My apologies- I shall strive to do better in the future. :)

Author:  Kentaro [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

Ok thank you for the replys :D

I have decided to get mauher and the sourcebook. And if my items on amazon and ebay sell, uruk hai scouts aswell.

Thanks for the feedback,any tips on tactics and evrything else would be much appreciated but y'know :-D

Author:  Lord Hurin [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

Something that I feel should be stated: Uruks are dead easy to paint in large batches. Due to their mass-produced nature, the Uruk-hai (moreso the fighting Uruk-hai, but also scouts) are the epitome of identicalness. I can get through a box in just a few days.

Author:  samoht [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

Uruk-Hai are totally worth it. They butcher everything in their path. If I were you, I would instead invest in fighting urukahi. They have better defence and pikes. As for an urukhai hero, it's ok to get lurtz but there are other option. An urukhai captain with a shield will give you almost the same stats but with a far superior defence.

Crossbow uruk hai are bloody powerful. They would be well worth getting when you can.

If you are going to build an uruk scout army, then it might be worth to get Vrasku. That sonofabitch has the most insane shooting rules (Think of Haldirs rules), and he can easily butcher people in melee combat.

Author:  Dagorlad [ Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

I like the look of the Uruk-hai models too - a vital part in any army building for me. :) They get explosives, battering rams and a neat siege weapon that looks excellent on the table too.

Author:  Telchar [ Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

samoht wrote:
Uruk-Hai are totally worth it. They butcher everything in their path. If I were you, I would instead invest in fighting urukahi. They have better defence and pikes. As for an urukhai hero, it's ok to get lurtz but there are other option. An urukhai captain with a shield will give you almost the same stats but with a far superior defence.

Crossbow uruk hai are bloody powerful. They would be well worth getting when you can.

If you are going to build an uruk scout army, then it might be worth to get Vrasku. That sonofabitch has the most insane shooting rules (Think of Haldirs rules), and he can easily butcher people in melee combat.

Fighting Uruk-Hai are indeed very mean. I've had them rip twice their number in men or even Elves to pieces. Crossbows don't seem to work for me, but that because my luck with them is horrid. If they hit, they'll hit hard,though. Vrashku, well, I hate the model, so I've never really thought about him.

Another thing - Berserkers can be really epic. I have a force of six of them in my standard army, and they can really break an enemy shieldwall apart, because they have 2 attacks, and thus roll as many dice as most models do with spear support.

If you want scouts, I'd say, take them, but as a flank for your Fighting Uruk-Hai, or a cheaper alternative to Uruks with shields. As a stand-alone force I think they'll have a hard time against anything that fields a solid shieldwall (Gondor, Mordor, Elves) because you can't bring enough attacks into the fight.

That's my tuppence.

Author:  samoht [ Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are Uruk-Hai worth it?

Yeah man. Fighting uruk-hai are a way better choice than scouts.

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