The One Ring

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Author:  Orcbane [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Introduction

Hi very new to the forum just thought I'd say a quick hello, my names Gez I'm from Birmingham and am just
Getting into lotr I play 40k at the mo but will start building a lotr army (as soon as I figure out what I want lol)

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introduction

Hey there Gez - Welcome to the One Ring. I see you've discovered the tough part of the hobby - deciding what to collect first. See you around the boards 8)

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introduction

Hail friend and well met!

Under the newer, more lenient ally rules GW has incorporated into the army designs for both War of the Ring (formation-based large scale (more expensive) game) and Strategy Battle Game (individual model skirmish style game) you really only have to decide between Good or Evil initially. Once you know which side you will probably gravitate to a particular culture from your interest in the film or books.

It REALLY helps with the planning, painting and playing if it's a force you are interested and excited about rather than looking thru the books for the 'ultimate army.' Though WotR had some play balance issues (probably would resolve with a v2 of the rules if they ever did) SBG is pretty balanced and there is not as much of an issue making a good army out of most core forces (though some unexpected allies may be needed to fill significant gaps).

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introduction

Hi and welcome to One Ring.

Beowulf has hit the nail on the head really, though you can play both good and evil if you really want to. I also recommend you look for those little things that help keep your army unique, including unusual army choices, paint schemes, conversions and such.

LotR is quite a diverse game with a lot of different thing to suit different styles of play, and different aspects of the hobby, no matter what you like, there will be something there for you. It is a pity there are not so many LotR players as those of WFB and 40k. Good luck to you and your collecting, and may your wallet never full 8)

[I do recommemd you look for cheaper ways of building armies though]

Author:  Callan [ Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introduction

Welcome to The One Ring :D There are many troop choices so have fun making your selection.

Author:  Telchar [ Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introduction

Welcome to One Ring.

Adding to Gothmogthewerewolf's comment, the best way of collecting for not that much money is via either Ebay or some of the online suppliers available, these often give huge discounts. If you buy directly from GW, prepare to be hurt in the wallet.

That said, this is a great hobby, and I hope you'll enjoy it.

Author:  ilokivi [ Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introduction

Evening all,

I just got started on this forum and am struggling to find how to get started playing the game. Is there an online game incorporated into this website, and if so where may I find it? I've read the Beginners forum but the guidance is not that specific. If I can get that end of things sorted out, the discussion fora will become much more useful I think.

Best regards and thanks to all.

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introduction

ilokivi wrote:
Evening all,

I just got started on this forum and am struggling to find how to get started playing the game. Is there an online game incorporated into this website, and if so where may I find it? I've read the Beginners forum but the guidance is not that specific. If I can get that end of things sorted out, the discussion fora will become much more useful I think.

Best regards and thanks to all.

Welcome, Lotr SBG/ WOTR is a tabletop miniature game which incorportates toy soliders based from the LOTR universe. There is no online game on this forum. This is mainly used for the discussion of tactics, hints, tips, showing off your models etc.

Hope this helps :)

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