Several friends and I got together and did, or attempted to do something quite similar to that (actually we've had a number of epic-scale SBG battles). We had three Mumaks, 1000 pts of Grey Company (we didn't include the 'major' named heroes in any of the points costs- Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Elladan+Elrohir, Imrahil, Eomer, Theoden, Merry, Eowyn, Witch-king on Fellbeast, Khamul on Fellbeast, Gothmog, one troll chieftain- that's most of them, I think), 1000pts of Dol Amroth and Gondor, around 850-900pts of Rohirrim (and I bought a number of them for the battle!). All that against the aforementioned 3 Mumakil, two fellbeasts, at least five trolls, and around 3500-4000pts worth of Easterlings, Haradrim, and orcs of all sorts.
It was truly an epic battle (that lasted for around 7 hours) and resulted in the Dol Amroth force dying to a man, Rohan escaping with Erkenbrand, a banner, and one other guy, and most of the Grey Company still standing. Oh, and we had Dol Amroth show up turn 3, Grey Company show up turn 5, and it was on a 5' x 8' table.
Though we have done a number of large-scale things as well (a favorite has always been the Fall of Gondolin- between a friend and I we have something to the tune of 400+ elves- we always wanted to find a way to use them).
Have fun, but be sure to block quite bit of time, and write your scenarios well!
_________________ " the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.”