The One Ring

Starting Isengard
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Author:  matty_wazza [ Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Starting Isengard

I am new to Lord of the Rings SGB, i have been playing 40k for the past few years though. My friend plays SGB and has got me into it. I have decided to play Isengard. I am here to ask what is good to buy as a beginner to Isengard. Also will i need to buy the Lord of the Rings rulebook. I presume Uruk-hai is a good start for Isengard and also Saruman.

Thanks in advance, Matt.

Author:  Erunion [ Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

Greetings, and welcome to the One Ring!

Since you're a 40K player, you know that you have to have troops first. So, you must ask yourself what your theme for Isengard is going to be. Are you wanting to build a raiding force? Go with a box of Uruk-hai Scouts and an appropriate hero. If you want the army of the White Hand that assaulted Helm's Deep, then you need the Fighting Uruk-hai boxed set. Isengard can also have Orcs, Warg Riders, and allies from Dunland, so it's really just a matter of where you want to go with it. That said, starting off with a box of your basic plastic warriors can never go wrong.

Author:  matty_wazza [ Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

I was thinking more of a force like the one that attacked Helms Deep. So The Fighting Uruk-hai and bezerkers. Are Isengard trolls a good unit to add? Also what about Saruman? I presume I can ally with Mordor, so i can add a nazgul to my force.

Author:  GuardianoftheCitadel [ Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

matty_wazza wrote:
I was thinking more of a force like the one that attacked Helms Deep. So The Fighting Uruk-hai and bezerkers. Are Isengard trolls a good unit to add? Also what about Saruman? I presume I can ally with Mordor, so i can add a nazgul to my force.

Yes, and if you want a hard hitter I would recommend the Isengard Troll over the Beserkers, otherwise you are going to have quite a small model count. As Beserkers, Isengaurd Trolls and Saruman use quite a healthy stack of points.

Author:  matty_wazza [ Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

So a few boxes of Fighting Uruk-hai and a troll would be a good start. Plus a leader, are there any that go well with that type of army?

Author:  GuardianoftheCitadel [ Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

matty_wazza wrote:
So a few boxes of Fighting Uruk-hai and a troll would be a good start. Plus a leader, are there any that go well with that type of army?

Probably just go with a generic Uruk-hai Captain in my opinion. I amn't the most informed when it comes to Isengard but i'm sure other forum members will be abit more helpful.

Author:  whafrog [ Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

That would be the White Hand army, which actually can't ally with Mordor (which makes sense if you think about it thematically). However, the Nazgul are their own army list, so you can ally one in.

Depending on your budget, a decent starting army would be a box of fighting uruk-hai, a box of orcs, a blister of berzerkers and/or ferals, and a few blisters of xbows. Alternately you could replace the xbows with a box of scouts...much cheaper, and you might not need the orcs either (except, orc spears can be useful). The scout bows are more mobile, but offer considerably less punch. For heroes, you'll need a captain or command blister, and a shaman and budget wraith can't hurt. Also, the Vrasku/Ugluk blister is pretty useful...they are part of the Raiders list, but can ally with the White Hand.

I'd hold off on the troll, you can't really use them until you're fielding 700 points or higher. If you're really careful you might be able to use Saruman at 500 points, but IMHO that's pushing it.

@GotC: an Isengard troll is going to hit the model count a lot harder than a few berzerkers.

Hope that helps!

EDIT: meant to mention not all the profiles mentioned are in the main rules. The ferals, Vrasku and Ugluk are in the Two Towers journeybook. I believe the journeybooks are still available, even though the sourcebooks are not.

Author:  GuardianoftheCitadel [ Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

whafrog wrote:
That would be the White Hand army, which actually can't ally with Mordor (which makes sense if you think about it thematically). However, the Nazgul are their own army list, so you can ally one in.

Depending on your budget, a decent starting army would be a box of fighting uruk-hai, a box of orcs, a blister of berzerkers and/or ferals, and a few blisters of xbows. Alternately you could replace the xbows with a box of scouts...much cheaper, and you might not need the orcs either (except, orc spears can be useful). The scout bows are more mobile, but offer considerably less punch. For heroes, you'll need a captain or command blister, and a shaman and budget wraith can't hurt. Also, the Vrasku/Ugluk blister is pretty useful...they are part of the Raiders list, but can ally with the White Hand.

I'd hold off on the troll, you can't really use them until you're fielding 700 points or higher. If you're really careful you might be able to use Saruman at 500 points, but IMHO that's pushing it.

@GotC: an Isengard troll is going to hit the model count a lot harder than a few berzerkers.

Hope that helps!

EDIT: meant to mention not all the profiles mentioned are in the main rules. The ferals, Vrasku and Ugluk are in the Two Towers journeybook. I believe the journeybooks are still available, even though the sourcebooks are not.

I amn't sure how the model count rule works, so I apologise for that. Looks like you've sorted things out for him now anyway. ;)

Author:  whafrog [ Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

GuardianoftheCitadel wrote:
I amn't sure how the model count rule works, so I apologise for that. Looks like you've sorted things out for him now anyway. ;)

One model, one count...? One troll costs the same as 7 berzerkers.

Author:  matty_wazza [ Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

The rulebook should be arriving tomoz, if it does I will write a list and put it up tomoz. Thanks for the advice! :)

Author:  matty_wazza [ Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

My rulebook did not arrive on Friday, but it did arrive today so here is my list for 500 points.

Uruk Captain with shield and heavy armour
8 Uruk Warriors with Swords and Shields
8 Uruk Warriors with pikes
8 Uruk Warriors with pikes
16 Orc warriors with bows
1 Isengard Troll

How can I improve the list it is just a bit under 500 points. I also have a question about the Nazgul. Where are the rules for each Nazgul. E.G The Tainted?

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

Khamul - A Shadow in the East, Fall of the Necromancer, Return of the King, Mordor
THe Dark Marshal/The Shadow Lord/The Tainted/The undying - Mordor, GW website
The Knight of Umbar, The Betrayer - WD Article, GW website
The Dwimmerlaik - White Dwarf Article

Author:  GuardianoftheCitadel [ Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

matty_wazza wrote:
My rulebook did not arrive on Friday, but it did arrive today so here is my list for 500 points.

Uruk Captain with shield and heavy armour
8 Uruk Warriors with Swords and Shields
8 Uruk Warriors with pikes
8 Uruk Warriors with pikes

16 Orc warriors with bows
1 Isengard Troll

How can I improve the list it is just a bit under 500 points. I also have a question about the Nazgul. Where are the rules for each Nazgul. E.G The Tainted?

Just so you know, you've said 8 Uruk Warriors with pikes twice.

I think this is a good starting squad, shame it lacks a bigger hero. If you dropped the captain could you afford a better hero?

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

But if you want to stick to LOME, the only other hero you could swap an uruk captain for is Saruman or Wormtongue, I think as the others are allies so you wouldn't be able to take uruk warriors, orcs or Isengard troll.

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

You also have the option to use a shaman. Don't rule out the possibility of allying in your leader; Dalamyr and Thrydan Wolfsbane can both be allied into this list but 99% of the time your best option would be to just take an uruk captain and ally in a ringwraith.

Author:  matty_wazza [ Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

I have changed my list a bit so I can have another hero.

1 Uruk Captain Sword, Shield, Heavy Armour
8 Uruk Warriors Sword and Shield
8 Uruk Warriors Pikes
1 Ringwraith 1 Fate, 1 Might and 10 will
8 Uruk Warriors Pikes
20 Orc Warriors Bows

That is 500 points exactly is that a bit better than the last list or should I bring back the troll? Are there any other things I can change?

Author:  GuardianoftheCitadel [ Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

matty_wazza wrote:
I have changed my list a bit so I can have another hero.

1 Uruk Captain Sword, Shield, Heavy Armour
8 Uruk Warriors Sword and Shield
8 Uruk Warriors Pikes
1 Ringwraith 1 Fate, 1 Might and 10 will
8 Uruk Warriors Pikes
20 Orc Warriors Bows

That is 500 points exactly is that a bit better than the last list or should I bring back the troll? Are there any other things I can change?

I think the list you have produced if fine. No changes are required. I think you should play someone with this list and if you are unhappy with it you can change it.

Yet again thought you have written 8 Uruk Warriors with pikes twice, why are you doing this? You could just say 16 Uruk Warriors with pikes.

Author:  matty_wazza [ Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

My first list I wrote it like that because that's how they would be in formation, this time I don't know why I wrote it like that. :)

Author:  GuardianoftheCitadel [ Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

matty_wazza wrote:
My first list I wrote it like that because that's how they would be in formation, this time I don't know why I wrote it like that. :)

Ahh, right. Thanks for clarifying that for me.

Author:  Cyndra the Grey [ Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting Isengard

I'm sorry but your list isn't legal. You can only have a third of your warriors armed with bows 8)
And welcome as well. Thats a pretty solid list as well.

Cyndra the Grey

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