The One Ring

New Mordor Army
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Author:  Arandomorc [ Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  New Mordor Army

I am just starting lord of the rings sbg and have decided to collect a mordor army. I only have about 200 dollars to spend so a basic army is probably what Im looking at. Any suggestions on what units I should purchase?

Author:  mitch_rohan [ Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:15 am ]
Post subject: 

orc captains, orcs, morranon orcs to start with get them down pat

Author:  CreatureFear [ Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Are you going for one force in particular (ie. Cirith Ungol, Black Gate, etc.)?

Depending on your force I would get some appropriate named heroes. Like the poster above stated, Orcs are your bread and butter - I would use Morannons over the basic Orcs any day (I would only use the basic Orcs to fill out points or as spearmen). Wargs are also quite nice, and certainly worth allying in from the Cirith Ungol list, etc.

Author:  Arandomorc [ Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Im looking for a minis tirith siege army in the long run.

Author:  General Elessar [ Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Are you going for a "horde" army or a hard-hitting one? For the former, get loads of Orcs, a few Wargs, and a Troll or two. For a hard-hitting army, get Morannon Orcs, Mordor Uruk-hai, Black Guard, and several Trolls.

Author:  whafrog [ Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

A horde is cheaper to start with, as the "hard hitters" tend not to come in plastics. You can start with a horde, and slowly build up your elites later.

You'll probably want the Mordor sourcebook if you don't already have it. Some of the armies in there can ally with each other, so you can be pretty flexible about how you structure your army.

I'd get a box of orcs, a box of morannons, and a box of warg riders. Then you have a choice to make about bows: orc bows suck, so if you want bowmen you'll need to use orc trackers, which come in blister packs of 3 each. If you don't care about bowmen, then you'll need to be able to engage the enemy more quickly, so an orc drummer is essential. Personally I like drummers, it gives elves a lot less shooting time :)

That's probably in the $100 or higher range already. Now you need a few elites and some good heroes. A few Mordor Uruk-hai sprinkled in adds some higher fight and punch. An orc Shaman will keep your troops in line. An orc command blister gets you a banner and captain. I also really like the look of the morannon orc captains. In general, named captains are a better deal than unnamed captains, so you might want Sharku to lead your wargs (allied from Isengard). If you have part of your army from Cirith Ungol or Minas Morgul, you can take Gorbag or Shagrat which come as a pair. Finally, a wraith is kind of necessary if your opponent fields any mega-heroes. If you can find a generic ringwraith model, foot and mounted, that will give you some flexibility as to which ringwraith you want to use in each battle, unless you've already picked a favorite.

Anyway, that should get you something reasonable for around $200. I didn't mention trolls, because the model is very expensive given your budget. Hope that helps.

Author:  CreatureFear [ Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think of Morannons basically as a horde.
2 more points for what they offer is amazing and, no offence to the basic Orcs out there, they are pretty hard to play well with - even if you're an awesome player. Likewise, Trolls are rarely worth their points against an experienced opponent. Morannon Orcs are great for their points and much more forgiving.

If I was starting out I'd get:
Gorbag and Shagrat-$20 (Cirith Ungol leaders)
Taskmaster and Drummer (or Morannon Orc Captins)-$15 (Black Gate leaders)
Morannon Orcs x2-$55.50
Warg Riders x2-$55.50 (I would personally convert most, if not all, to bowmen)

The above list leaves you $50+ to spend on Orcs, Nazgul (named or not), Trolls, etc...

Author:  Adanedhel [ Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

CreatureFear wrote:
I think of Morannons basically as a horde.
2 more points for what they offer is amazing and, no offence to the basic Orcs out there, they are pretty hard to play well with - even if you're an awesome player. Likewise, Trolls are rarely worth their points against an experienced opponent. Morannon Orcs are great for their points and much more forgiving.

If I was starting out I'd get:
Gorbag and Shagrat-$20 (Cirith Ungol leaders)
Taskmaster and Drummer (or Morannon Orc Captins)-$15 (Black Gate leaders)
Morannon Orcs x2-$55.50
Warg Riders x2-$55.50 (I would personally convert most, if not all, to bowmen)

The above list leaves you $50+ to spend on Orcs, Nazgul (named or not), Trolls, etc...

you'd need Orcs for if your Warg get shot down :wink:

Author:  CreatureFear [ Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Adanedhel wrote:

you'd need Orcs for if your Warg get shot down :wink:

I would proxy them - buying bowmen from boxes is silly (4 per box :wink: ). I dunno about you, but I don't have 27.75 to spend on models that only come into play when other ones die (I have 48 Orcs, but I only end up using them for dismounted Warg Riders maybe once or twice per game).

The OP has $50 left over from my list (that could be used to spend on Orcs that are only going to be used once or twice).
Like I said, my list - not eveyone's.
I'm sure you ask 10 people to come up with Mordor lists (even under the theme "Osgiliath Siege") and you'll have 10 different lists.

Author:  ShadowMaster26 [ Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Morranon Orcs are usually very good- they generally run if not in Standfast! range so be careful when you break. As for heroes, a basic Nazgul ft and mntd blister works wonders, but a few orc captains (or the Mouth of Sauron) should be a main priority.

A small list, if you want to use it:
Morranon Orc captain-45 pnts
12 Morranon Orcs with shield-96 pnts
12 Morranon Orcs with Spear and shield-108 pnts
Total: 250 pnts

Author: [ Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:35 am ]
Post subject: 

The other thing you can do of course is proxy figures. Check out the pics of the GW ordc trackers, and then paint your standard orcs to look a little similar, or do a little basic converting with plastic to make them look a little different to the stock standard ones.

Same deal with the Morannon Orcs - there are a few nicely armoured ones in the basic orcs, or just call them all Morannon orcs. If you're not playing in tournaments or with hyper-competitive guys, it should all be good.

Make some simple bows out of sprue, twigs, or salvaged from other miniature kits (again, particularly plastics) and glue them onto the backs of the non-bow-armed warg riders, and hey presto! (More) Warg Riders with bows!

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