I plan on starting a Hobbit/LOTR SBG collection.
Currently i am most interested into 4 armies:
-Army of Thror
-Gundabad/ Azogs Legion
-Iron Hills
Now, i am on a low-ish budget, considering the prices of some miniatures (looking at you Forge World), and my current plan is to start with The Goblin Town starter set, the 2 Hobbit rulebooks, and to use the heroes in The Goblin Town set to start an Army of Thror list, currently planned something like this:
12 Grim hammer
-Balin (apparently 3 members of The Company of Thorin Oakenshield can lead Army of Thror troops, i am sure its Thorin, and i think other 2 are Balin and Dwalin)
12 Erebor Warriors
12 Erebor Warriors or Grim hammers, which i will buy after i test play both
I think that plan is quite good for a beginner list, however, i want to start a Mirkwood list, both for a separate list, and to use the alliance system to get good archers for my Army of Thror. Now the problem is, Mirkwood is quite expensive, and i plan to buy only a few models at a time, but i want to start with 2 boxes, Mirkwood Rangers and Palace Guard, but then i need heroes to lead them.
My question is, do you think it is ok to use LEGO minifigures as proxies for house play, as i do have Tauriel, Legolas and Thranduil, and just those 3 alone are worth a small fortune?
This would be a short term way of going around the big price tag that comes with the hobby.
Thanks for your attention, and if you dont mind, feel free to recommend any other ways i can expand the 4 listed armies, i know i have only one evil army, but i will always have Goblin Town, because of the Starter Set, and i would expand to Azogs Hunters once i make 600-ish point armies for the other 4.
Thank you!