Dikey wrote:
I will answer in order
1)yes. A model using a 2 handed weapon can use his weapon's special strike.
2) no. A model pose is irrelevant. To use a weapon as 2handed, said weapon has to be identified in the model's equipment as a 2 handed.
3)no. A spear is a spear. Again, a model's pose is irrelevant. A spear does not benefit from 2hw rules.
4) throwing spears cannot be used as spears. They cannot be used to support. I could be wrong, but no model has both spears and throwing spears
Thanks Dikey! Very helpful, Cheers!
Your answers make perfect sense, but if it is not too taxing, I have a couple of follow up questions:
The profiles in the sourcebooks, the Staves of Power wielded by Gandalf, Saruman etc. are described as being two-handed, yet in the Hobbit rulebook, they are listed simply as Staves of Power. Too add a little to the confusion, under the entry on two-handed weapons in the Hobbit book, a picture of Gandalf holding a staff in one hand is shown specifically as one of four models with two-handed weapons.
Regarding specific poses, I guess as you say the profile description trumps the pose, but I am assuming the model still has to have the weapon to match the profile even if it strapped to their back, in a scabbard etc.
Thanks again for the help. As I mentioned, I am just beginning assembling, storing and sorting through all my miniatures while attempting to match them with their relevant profiles.