WarAdmiral wrote:
So I have decided to get into LotR/The Hobbit SBGs, something I should have done a LONG time ago.
Welcome to the game! I think you will find that both the rules and the community are first rate.
Am I told late to pick this game up?
I would say, no. While there's no denying that the game has passed it's peak, its still a great game and there is generally plenty of stuff (minis, books, etc.) available to play.
Seems other than Ebay there really isn't anywhere to pick up the LotR minis/books.
Its true there is a lot of OOP produicts in the line, but there is still a lot of stuff available direct from GW (as long as you don't mind FineCast). The main problems are the missing army books and a lot of the named characters. These are generally still available on eBay if you search, although sometimes at quite a premium. The characters are easy enough to convert or just proxie so if you just find the army books you are missing, you should be set.
To answer your question on the armies I was going to play the orcs/goblins and my son was wanting to play "the good guys".
Orcs and goblins should be no problem at all. Most of the Mordor and Isenguard troops are still available from GW and since they were so popular finding the few missing figures on eBay is generally no problem. The only excerptions are some of the less common Moria goblin characters (Warg Marauders, Ashrak the Spiderkin, etc.) who sometimes go for $60-100US each.
For "good guys" the Galladrim, Rohan and Gondor forces are all still easy to collect so I'd suggest he pick one of them. The dwarfs are a little harder/more expensive but not out of reach if he has his heart set on them. The Last Alliance Elves and Men are generally pretty easy to find as they were in the first box game, but their lists are a bit limited.
You mentioned the metal elites?
I'm note sure there are really that many OOP elites in any of the more popular armies. True, some of them have been converted to FineCast which not everyone likes, but they are available. The only things I can think of off hand that are totally OOP are the Dol Amroth foot knights, and the Corsair Arbalestors (crossbowmen). There may be one or two others but I don't think there are many. Do be aware that things do go OOP withouth warning, though.
Anyone know if an Army Builder?
There was a LOTR file for the Lone Wolf Army Builder programe, although I'm not sure how complete it ever was, or if they ever added the Hobbit army lists.
Hope that helps!