LordElrond wrote:
You can get the lone wolf demo army builder for free, and you can do anything as long as you have no more than 3 warbands, and you can't save lists, but then you could just take a picture of them with your phone or something (that's how I make my armies (unless I'm in bed or somewhere else, in which case I'll just do it in my head)).
The current file is missing the DoS and BotFA supplements though, and a few of the profiles are messed up (Rivendell Knights have the hunter orc stat line, and there have been a number of profile changes in the Erratas).
I uploaded the updated file here:
http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fi ... 1908885930To input the files, unzip the folder to
C:\ProgramData\Army Builder\data and replace the old one.
Units that don't count towards the bow limit instead count towards units that do not have bows, so bow limits in those armies have to be calculated manually. The only missing profile is the new Tauriel, because the old one will generally be taken over it. (For the Erebor Reclaimed army list, you will notice that each model is taken as its own warband. This is because there is nothing in the supplement saying that they are taken as a single warband like there is with the White Council, Thorin's Company, The Trolls, and the Fellowship.)
Don't know if it will work with the trial AB, but it should if you can download their file.
To circumvent the max 3 warband limit with the trial version, you should be able to run multiple instances of the program at once, and make multiple smaller points value armies at the same time, then screenshot, write it down/type it out, or take a picture to save the full list.