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 Post subject: Asking for purchase advice
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:37 pm 

Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:32 pm
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Since I got so many good answers from my last post I'm going to try my luck with another one. First of all I have to say that I got more expenses than income, well being 17 years old means that you got so much things to pay for all the time : :( . So I would like to get some good advice from an economic perspective about what way is the best one to advance with this hobby.

At the moment I have the mines of moria paint set and boxed set = The fellowship, 36 goblins and the troll. As well I have a box with warriors of Harad and an old box from some years ago with the heroes of Helms Deep. So the two questions I have, and I would be very greatful if someone had a good answer to them, are:

1 At the moment all the colours I have is the one from the MoM paint set (and some even older colour from a chaos warrior starter set), so of course I would need more colours than them, what is the best way to begin to get colours to my figures? Is the "Hobby starter set" worth the money for example?

2 From what I have seen and played with a friend of mine yesterday SBG is really fun and of course I would like to go on with it. So my question here is, what is the best way to move on with it? Would it be good to buy the Fellowship book? (it looked like in a post I read in the forum that it's a lot of minis you have to get to play through the scenarios) Or should I like make up my own scenarios if possible and just buy the "coolest" minis I'm able to buy and paint and then make the best out of it?

As you can see I'm in need of some advice :?
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 Post subject: Re: Asking for purchase advice
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:50 pm 
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Bagger wrote:
1 At the moment all the colours I have is the one from the MoM paint set (and some even older colour from a chaos warrior starter set), so of course I would need more colours than them, what is the best way to begin to get colours to my figures? Is the "Hobby starter set" worth the money for example?

Personally, you are going to score big time if you use the acrylic paints you find in any arts and crafts store. Twice/three times the paint for the same money and just as many color choices. One of the brands I use is called Delta Ceramcoat. It runs about $1.50 a bottle for 2 fl oz (59 ml).

Bagger wrote:
2 From what I have seen and played with a friend of mine yesterday SBG is really fun and of course I would like to go on with it. So my question here is, what is the best way to move on with it? Would it be good to buy the Fellowship book? (it looked like in a post I read in the forum that it's a lot of minis you have to get to play through the scenarios) Or should I like make up my own scenarios if possible and just buy the "coolest" minis I'm able to buy and paint and then make the best out of it?

In my opinion I would spend the money on miniatures...there are plenty of ways to come up with scenarios whether it be here on this site, GW's site has some or one of the other hobby sites dedicated to LotR. Even making up your own can be alot of fun.

Hope this was at least a bit helpful. :)

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:08 pm 
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One great source for free scenarios is Go there and tell it to show what has had in previous years. GW web site collects lots of nice gaming content from White Dwarf but they delete it every few year to "revamp" their site, so you need a time machine to get the best of it. They even had almost all scenarios from FotR available as battle reports when the book first came out.

-- Pasi
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 Post subject: Re: Asking for purchase advice
PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:17 pm 
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Bagger wrote:
1 At the moment all the colours I have is the one from the MoM paint set (and some even older colour from a chaos warrior starter set), so of course I would need more colours than them, what is the best way to begin to get colours to my figures? Is the "Hobby starter set" worth the money for example?

If you have the inclination, this can save you a lot wrt to getting different paints: ... ticle&k=84

You only need the primary colors, and then you can mix what you want. You'll probably want some metals though, the essentials IMHO are Tin Bitz, Chainmail and Shining Gold. A couple of washes will also help, the essentials being Badab Black, Devlan Mud and Ogryn Flesh.

You could go with non-GW paints, which are cheaper, but personally I don't have a great eye for color, and I find it more effective to follow the painting guides others have created, which tend to refer to the GW colors.

From what I have seen and played with a friend of mine yesterday SBG is really fun and of course I would like to go on with it. So my question here is, what is the best way to move on with it? Would it be good to buy the Fellowship book? (it looked like in a post I read in the forum that it's a lot of minis you have to get to play through the scenarios) Or should I like make up my own scenarios if possible and just buy the "coolest" minis I'm able to buy and paint and then make the best out of it?

I wouldn't buy the Fellowship book just yet, as there are quite a few different and unrelated figures you need to purchase. For example, there are scenarios in that book with Dunedain and Ringwraiths, but unless you build an army around these figures later, you probably won't use them again, so it's a waste. Instead I'd build up your armies, get a couple heroes and prowlers for your goblins, and work on building up a Good side force with a core of plastic figures and some metal elites and heroes. In friendly games of course you can always proxy in your plastic warriors as elites or captains, as long as you mark/paint them clearly in some way.

When you can afford it, pick up Legions of Middle Earth, there are some great generic scenarios in there that will give you a different game every time.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 4:37 pm 

Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:32 pm
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Oh so many good tips. The mixing paint guide seems really good, I might be able to save a lot of money through that. Good tip with acrylic paints as well, going at least to go and check it out in some Hobby store. But maybe I'm going to aim for the colours you recommend Whafrog since it somehow feels safer to use them and compare with the colours other persons have painted the figures in, at least now in the beginning.

And a big thanks to you Valpas, it's really an huge amounts of scenarios I'm able to find at the old version sites of GW. Thank you for all the good advice :-D
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:25 pm 
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You are from sweden so I suggest hat you go to store like Hobbex, they have a big range of cheaper colours.

Vetinte varför jag skrev det där på engelska, men det är chill haha

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:14 pm 

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The King of Mirkwood wrote:
You are from sweden so I suggest hat you go to store like Hobbex, they have a big range of cheaper colours.

Vetinte varför jag skrev det där på engelska, men det är chill haha

Absolut, tänkte kolla in i typ en Hobbex butik i helgen, bor i sthlm så har väl ett rätt okej utbud av liknande butiker :)
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:59 am 
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Absolut, tänkte kolla in i typ en Hobbex butik i helgen, bor i sthlm så har väl ett rätt okej utbud av liknande butiker :)[/quote


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:35 pm 
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I got a bit of the same problem as I put most of money on a bank acount so that I can pay the university in a couple of years.

A few ideas

-do not buy expensive brushes, just a pack of larger ones and a sicsor will do fine.
(of course the quality isn't great I have one 'expensive' 3 average and a shipload of cheap brushes)
-take a look at marktplaats(dutch site but there probably is something like it in sweden) or ebay for minis(you can strip the paint with nail polish remover).
-do you only want to play/paint gw lotr or are perry miniatures and ebob fine aswell.
There are many companies that sell 28mm miniatures which work fine with gw's lotr.
I also paint at another scale 24mm zvezda miniatures (6,50 for 40 miniatures including the postage) :D
-make all terain yourself and collect all the junk that might be usefull(sponges dried plants, packaging materials)
-instead of buying supplements you can also play with the (free) fan made supplements.
-buy in large amounts, this might sound weird but for example: if i buy three seperate sheets of polystyrene this costs me 3,50/4 euro and if I buy a pack of 6 it's 5 euro
another example is using a large bag of plaster(5-10kg)this will last a very long time and will cost you as much as two small (1kg) plaster bags from and art store.
-and if you are a bit lucky you might be able to work on terrain as a school project this way it won't cost you anything.

of course there are many more ways t o enjoy this hobby on a low budget.

I hope this helps you a bit even if it's not entirely an answer to your 2 questions. 8)

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