The One Ring

"War of the Ring" game pieces
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Author:  Uthoroc [ Tue May 09, 2006 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  "War of the Ring" game pieces

I'm a great fan of the "War of the Ring" boardgame by Nexus/FFG/Phalanx Games, and from the start I wanted to paint all the great little plastic pieces it contains. Well... of the 205 that came with the basic game, I've managed 91 (or so) now. Unfortunately I just bought the expansion with another 87 minis, so 200 paintjobs are still looming before me.

To relief some of the "frustration", I'll post pics of the ones I've done so far here. ;) Feel free to comment about the minis, the paintjobs and ask about the game, if you want...

Shadow Minions

These are the special pieces of the evil side. From left to right: Saruman, the Mouth of Sauron and the Witch-King.


They were the very first ones I painted after I got the game and I hadn't been painting minis for 2 years or so before that. It shows. :? The Saruman and Mouth sculpts are quite nice, but the Witch-king doesn't fit the bill IMHO; it just doesn't look like a nazgul at all.

The Nazgul

These are the leaders of the shadow armies. They originally had some kind of crown on top of their heads (looked like flowerpots). I cut them away since it looked stupid.


Mordor Troops

The evil side has three nations in the game: Mordor, Southron & Easterlings and Isengard. Each nation has two types of troops, regular and elite. The orcs are the regulars of Mordor and the trolls the elite (who'd have thought?).


Note that I switched my matte varnish after painting the trolls, the orcs look much shinier with the GW varnish.

Southrons and Easterlings

Haradrim archers and Mumakil are the regular and elite troops for these (no separate models for Easterlings). I'm currently working on the mumakil, 24 haradrim are unpainted.


The Fellowship

The Free People side (the good player) has the Fellowship characters as special pieces, but Frodo and Sam are inseperable and represent the Fellowship on the board. The other chars can be separated and moved to other places. The Gollum mini was a promotional mini and has no role in the game (there is a rule for the sneaky little bugger though).


The Gandalf mini doubles up as the Grey and the White, so I had to decide on one color scheme. The choice was easy, because of the hat. ;) Aragorn represenst both the Strider and the King version, but I don't think the mini fits either very well (stupid helm). Boromir is quite nice, but I botched the face and the shield design.


Gimli might be the best mini in the set, and I like how the mini came out. Unfortunately the pic is not good. Legolas is okay I guess.


Merry and Pippin in their Rohan and Gondor outfits. Merry is nice, Pip not quite as good.


I don't like the Sam/Frodo mini very much, Frodo's head is kind of weird. The Gollum is nice though.

Free People leaders

The Free People have five nations in the game: Gondor, Rohan, The North (Hobbits, Northmen, Rangers all thrown into one), the Elves and the Dwarves. Each of them has minis for leaders, elite and regular troops, but I've painted only the leaders of each so far. The rest is still baby blue like out of the box.


I hope you liked the pictures. If you remotely enjoy long, thematic and strategic boardgames (2 players), get this game! It's great.

Author:  TheBucklandBrewer [ Tue May 09, 2006 3:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Those figs are given a great paintjob mate! Unbelievable that you had the courage to start paining them! I told myself I would paint the figures, until I really opened that box... and then I thought... well... eheh... maybe some day I will do them...

How's the expansion? I haven't got that box, but I'd like to buy it some day!

Anyway, nice series of pics mate!
Just one small thing... could you resize them to a max of 600pix wide?


Author:  Viruk [ Tue May 09, 2006 3:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Very nice old-school minis :) You did a really great job painting all of these, I particularly like Gimli and Legolas. Good luck with painting the rest of the minis!

Author:  Uthoroc [ Tue May 09, 2006 3:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

TheBucklandBrewer wrote:
How's the expansion? I haven't got that box, but I'd like to buy it some day!

It's nice. I have played only one of the scenarios once so far, but that was a good game. Haven't tested the additions for the base game, but they sound good. And the new minis are great (except Galadriel). Love the ents.

TheBucklandBrewer wrote:
Anyway, nice series of pics mate!
Just one small thing... could you resize them to a max of 600pix wide?

Thanks! :D And sorry, the pics were rather large, that's true. I've scaled them down by 50%. Should still be viewable without smothering the thread so much.

Author:  Tobold Hornblower [ Thu May 11, 2006 4:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's incredible!
I have the game (not the expansion, it's not out here yet), so have held these pieces in my clutches, and never would have thought they could be painted this well! My ringwraiths still have their flowerpots (lol, such good imagery that). :)

You've changed the game for me. My ordinary pieces will never look good enough now! Great stuff, I look forward to seeing more.

Author:  Uthoroc [ Wed May 31, 2006 10:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Slowly moving on. I'm working on the southron regulars now:


Author:  Viruk [ Wed May 31, 2006 12:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Good choice of colours and again, great painting, a completed unit of these will be undoubtedly a wonderful sight!

Author:  Uthoroc [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 3:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Summer's gone, evenings are getting darker and colder ... and I'm back to whittling away at that huge pile of plastic pieces. Here's my take on the Isendard elites, the wolf riders:

Author:  Viruk [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 7:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great to see more pics of your minis. As usually, the painting is excellent, and the skin tone of the raiders particularly impressive.
Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see more pics!

Author:  zephire [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 9:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great work you done there ! Missed the initial post since I've only recently joined OR, but boy oh boy I wouldn't have the patience to start painting that game :wink:

Author:  TheBucklandBrewer [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 10:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Awesome job again mate! ;)

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