Sacrilege83 wrote:
And here I was thinking you left the site.
On sabbatical for a wee while maybe, but definitely not gone.
I don't recall you, sorry, but funnily enough, it was actually another unknown (or forgotten) OR'er that drew me back to posting.
Erunion wrote:
So that's where you've been! You've been bitten by the Mantic bug. Glad to see you're still alive and kicking....
Regarding the models: Wow! That is some really awesome work. I love them all.
That's cool that you got to meet Alessio. I miss when he used to be the Ringbearer...Those were halcyon days, to be sure.
Cheers Jon. Yes, I'm very much a Mantic Fanatic now. Playing against Alessio was certainly nerve-wracking, beating him (in public) was good though.
Sacrilege83 wrote:
I have to say that these guys look familiar. Kind of similar to Barrow-Wights, only cooler.
By the way WELCOME BACK! I don't believe I have ever conversed with you on here, but welcome back all the same. Great pics too. So you're going to be returning back to lotr projects now or still not done with Mantic?
I'm not done with Mantic by a long shot, I have some very big, actually, HUGE plans still to work on. Although I haven't given up on LotR/WotR (far too many minis to go to waste) my local club is having a bit of a shake-up and LotR seems to be in favour, so I plan on painting up a few new forces. I also have a plan involving Mantic & LotR, but that is for another post, I'll have it up presently.
LotrCrown wrote:
I hate you . . . . . . . . . how the hell do you find time to paint all this with 3 wee ones and work ?? i only have 2 kids and have zero time and still only paint half as well as you !!! lol
PS congrats again on the new wee one

Because I am a God?

It must be nightshift, I seem to find an hour or so in the morning is good enough to get a bit done. Or it could be the 8hour sessions on my nights off. Or the lack of xbox time.
And cheers Matty, she's settling in now. Still a bit wary of how fragile she seems compared to the other two terrors.
theavenger001 wrote:

We were just missing you and wishing you'd come back......
I see you still love the washes (and the blood/gore

) just as much, and you can still bang out a lot of table top quality minis very quickly...
It's good to have you pop in, hope to see you around some more!
PS congrats again on the new wee one

Missing me? How sweet. (Somebody pass the sick bag)
Yes, when you build your rep on copious wash use, blood effects and spangly metallics, well, it is probably best to stick to the formula.
Sticky Fingersss wrote:
Dude that all looks amazing! I love the blood on the zombies!
Cheers dude. Yeah, the blood. Gets a lot of comments. Especially from the missus when she sees the nick of my painting tile and thinks I've done myself a mischief.
Got a few more things to show off, as well as some actual LotR models.

Still, off to the shops then I'll get my Mantic/LotR project idea posted up. (Yes, still more projects on the go than there are hours in the day...)
EDIT - Should I be worried that, despite my absence, I'm now 2nd on the Top 10 posters list?