Trade FormCountry: Your location; Perth Australia
Hey folks I’m trying to complete my collection for The original Lotr releases. I have collected a number of extra models to trade and the below is not a complete list. I am also happy to purchase models to trade should you have specific models that I require.
Please feel free to engage in convo and if you also live in Perth even more so.
I am happy to send tracked post.
I have:* Metal warg riders
* Dalaymr
* Metal Uruk hai scouts
* Large quantity of Minas Tirith plastics
* Large quantity of Rohan warriors/ horsemen
* large quantity of dwarf plastic warriors
* Gandalf with Cart (fine-cast)
* Others (please pm)
And I would like:* Suladan ft & mtd (metal)
* Suladan the serpent lord ft & mtd (metal)
* Cave Drake (metal)
* Dragon (metal)
* Easterlings metal (all four poses)
* Amdur (metal)
* Khandish Chieftain ft & mtd
* Haradrim Hasharin (metal)
* specific plastic Mordor orc pose 1x
* specific plastic ranger pose 1x
* specific plastic dwarf rangers pose 2x
* Erkenbrand ft & mtd (metal)
* Eorl ft & mtd
* Rohan banner bearers 3x poses (metal)
* Rohan hornblowers (metal)
* Minas Tirith Captains 3x poses (metal)
* Mounted Aragorn (metal)
* Mounted Boromir (metal)
* Mounted Legolas (metal)
* Mounted Legolas & Gimli (metal)
* Mounted Glorfindel (metal)
* Others to hard to list