The One Ring

looking for some things
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Author:  rutger [ Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  looking for some things

-the three hunters (finecast) new in blister
-king's champion (finecast) new in blister
-the fellowship of the ring new in box

-iron hills dwarf command with mattocks

bgime blisters:
-gandalf the white mtd & ft
-aragorn ft
-radagast the brown ft
-saruman ft
-haldir ft
-gil galad ft
-balin ft
-isildur ft
-elendil ft
-faramir mtd

new in blister:
-black numenorian warriors x3
-morannon orc captains
-shagrat war leader
-golfimbul ft and mtd
-goblin king of moria
-corsair bosun and captain
-blackroot vale archers command

loose figures:
-isildur ft
-glorfindel on foot without armour
-king arvedui
-malbeth the seer
-boromir mines of moria plastic one
-boromir fellowship horn
-boromir armoured with shield
-ghan buri ghan

wants:(listed from the collector's guide)
-elrond master of rivendell
-breaking of the fellowship (all of them)
-dunland archers x2
-knight of the white tower
-minas tirith captain 1 x2
-minas tirith captain 2
-minas tirith banner 1
-dol amroth banner bearer mounted
-rohan banner bearer on foot number 1
-king's huntsman
-metal easterling number 2
-metal suludan mounted
-moria goblin shaman without helmet
-twilight ringwraith all three poses

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