The One Ring

gabrygonzales's trading post
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Author:  gabrygonzales [ Thu Dec 04, 2014 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  gabrygonzales's trading post

i'm in italy (shipping is about 10€);
contact me for any info or proposal
1. -frodo
2. -lurtz
3. -aragorn (helm)
4. -captain uruk hai
5. -boromir amon hen
6. -saruman
7. -gimli
8. -ruins moira
9. -sam
10. uruk hai berseker (metal)+2 plastic
11. -merry e pipino
12. -12 warriors minas tirith
13. -nazgul (witch king)
14. -vermilinguo
15. -elendil
16. -isildur
17. -eowyn
18. -captain orc
19. -bilbo
20. -6 riders rohan
21. -merry and pipino with helmet
22. -kit conversion in metal
23. 10 uruk hai
24. 10 uruk hai
25. -6 riders rohan
26. -6 riders rohan
27. 10 uruk hai
28. 10 uruk hai
29. 12 warriors minas
30. 12 warriors minas
31. –radagast the brown
32. -3 spears of numenor

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Thu Dec 04, 2014 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gabrygonzales's trading post

Hi, The One Ring operates on a no cash transaction policy. It is trade item for trade item only.

I have edited your post.

You need to add what models you are looking for in trade.

Please have a look at the TRADE RULES and bring this thread into line with the rules.

many thanks.

Author:  gabrygonzales [ Thu Dec 04, 2014 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gabrygonzales's trading post

Sorry! :)
It's perfect!
Thank you

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