The One Ring

WANT: Beasties HAVE: Elves
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Author:  Highlordell [ Tue May 27, 2014 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  WANT: Beasties HAVE: Elves

Trade Form

Country: UK Newcastle-upon-Tyne (UK only trades please).

Hey all,

I have only traded once, and therefore will send first, but I hope my long stay on this forum does something to counteract any uncertainties. :)

Looking to swap a large amount of high elves for some beasts. I would prefer multiple swaps if possible, so beware I may not want to swap individual items in some cases.
Note that the elves are either white undercoat (u) or painted (p) to a very high standard (not by me), but they can of course be stripped.

I have:
    * 12 Haradrim (undercoated)
    * Gil-Galad (u)
    * 10 (I think) metal elves with Shield (u+p)
    * 10 elves with sword (u+p)
    * 10 elves with bow (u+p)
    * Glorfindel (p)
    * Erestor (p)
    * Elrond (u)
    * Twins ft (p)
    * Twins mtd (u)
    * Elf captain (u)
    * Elf banner (u)

And I would like:
    * Rivendell Knights
    * Moria and Angmar Sourcebook
    * Giant spiders
    * Mirkwood spiders
    * Bat Swarms
    * Wild Warg Chieftain
    * Wargs
    * Cave Drake
    * Dragon
    * Druzhag
    * Duinhir

Cheers for looking!

Author:  Highlordell [ Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WANT: Beasties HAVE: Elves

Updated after a trade and a significant update.

Author:  joshuar_au [ Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WANT: Beasties HAVE: Elves

Hi, I have some giant spiders I would like to trade for the twins

Author:  Highlordell [ Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WANT: Beasties HAVE: Elves

Pm sent. :)

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