The One Ring

Mordor 600p
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Author:  Salattu [ Wed May 27, 2020 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Mordor 600p

Ok, which one of next 2 army lists is better. I want to use normal orcs, so thats why not just morannons… This troll army seems slightly more promising visually because fellbeast is a gigantic beast which can look weird on a small 600p match even though it looks awesome as a unit!

Army 1:
*Troll Chieftain
-8 orc warrior
-4 morannon orc

*Troll Chieftain
-7 orc warrior
-4 morannon orc

-8 orc warrior, banner
-4 morannon orc

Overall: 600p, 38 models, 6 might, 2 monster, flag…

Army 2:
*Named Ringwraith on fellbeast
-7 orc warrior
-4 morannon orc

*Troll Chieftain
-7 orc warrior
-4 morannon occ

-8 orc warrior
-4 morannon orc

Overall: 600p, 37 units, 4-7 might, 2 monsters, magic.

EDIT: Sorry, i forgot rule about showing points... Fixed. Also, note that different items are counted so some normal orcs (bowmen) ve just hand wepon some morannons shield + spear...

Author:  mr. dude [ Wed May 27, 2020 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mordor 600p

They're both fine. I'd use List 2 just because the Ringwraith gives you more diversity, but the two Troll Chieftains in List 1 are definitely scary to go up against. List 2 is lacking a banner unless you take the Dark Marshall, that's something to look into; I would definitely either take the Marshall or drop a few models for the banner. Both armies are slow but you have a Taskmaster to help with Heroic March.

As for archery, my advice depends what you want them to do. If you want to clump your archers together and have them shoot all game, I would replace the Orc Warriors with Orc Trackers. If you want them moving with your main block and lending their weight in combat, I'd consider giving your archers spears so they can stand behind your Morannons and shoot any turn that they're not in combat or moving the full 6".

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Fri May 29, 2020 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mordor 600p

I think I would favor the second list myself. The first would definitely be a good bruiser list but having the wraith on wings give you a lot more options then two troll chieftains. Loosing the banner in the second list is unfortunate of course. As it can add a lot to the threat posed by the troll. The wraith will have to play support to the troll in some instances and try to take out enemy banners to make up for it. Certainly doable.

Author:  Salattu [ Mon Jun 01, 2020 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mordor 600p

Ok, i thought to tåke å totålly new åpproåch! So, i think the chieftåin årmy is very good, but this årmy could be å compensåtory version, pleåse comment:

*Nåmed Ringwråith on Fellbeåst
-12 wårg rider +shields

*Orc cåptåin on wårg
-12 wårg rider + shields


Overåll: 598p, 5-2might, 27 model, full cåvålry.

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