The One Ring

Khazad + Rivendell Allies for NOVA (800pt)
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Author:  joshw4288 [ Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Khazad + Rivendell Allies for NOVA (800pt)

Thinking about allying Khazad Dum with Rivendell for NOVA...

I've been painting a Khazad army for NOVA (see previous thread for lists) but now thinking that to shore up some weaknesses, it might be worthwhile to consider allying. The army bonus doesn't seem that important (rerolling 1's to wound) and I'm thinking that adding some cavalry will bolster the Dwarves in various scenarios. I'm thinking of the following:

Arwen w/ Asfolath (70)
w/ 4 Knights of Rivendell (84)
= 154
Durin (160)
12 HearthGuard (156)
4 Dwarf Warriors w/ Bows (36)
1 Vault Warden Team (25)
= 377
Kings Champion + Heralds (140)
2 Vault Warden Teams (50)
4 Iron Guard (60)
2 Dwarf Warrior w/ Shield (18)
= 268
= 799

I would love to hear thoughts on tactics, running pure Khazad vs. running a Rivendell ally vs. running any other ally...or any general comments on the list...

Author:  Manadar [ Tue Jul 23, 2019 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khazad + Rivendell Allies for NOVA (800pt)

You can't play that as you have too much bows in Rivendell.
Remove dwarf warriors and some iron guard and add some (8) elves with spear and shield

Author:  joshw4288 [ Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khazad + Rivendell Allies for NOVA (800pt)

Manadar wrote:
You can't play that as you have too much bows in Rivendell.
Remove dwarf warriors and some iron guard and add some (8) elves with spear and shield

Yeaaaah, I didn't realize the knights had bows...

Not sure if it's worth it. Even 3 Knights + min spears (6) + Arwen would be 193. Lot of points just to get some cav in the list.

Could do Galadhrim knights for cheaper but without the lances they don't have the same punch. 3 + mounted Captain = 139

Not sure. Maybe back to pure Khazad.

Author:  Manadar [ Wed Jul 24, 2019 11:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khazad + Rivendell Allies for NOVA (800pt)

Arwen spears and some knight are a really good warband.

Author:  Hodush [ Thu Jul 25, 2019 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khazad + Rivendell Allies for NOVA (800pt)

Personally I think it is a bad idea. You obviously want the cavalry for their speed but you are committing 100 points to it and if you have to contest something with 5 cavalry while the rest of the army takes a few turns to arrive they may die very quickly.
I think i'd just stick with Dwarves and invest in a captain to heroic march if you really want speed.

Author:  joshw4288 [ Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khazad + Rivendell Allies for NOVA (800pt)

After a couple more games and not liking how the pure Khazad lists play, I bought the models to try out the following with Rivendell Allies.

14 Hearthguard
1 Dwarf Warrior w/ Shield & Banner

= 376

3 Vault Warden Teams
3 Dwarf Warriors w/ Shield

= 177

Arwen on Asfolath
4 Rivendell Knights w/ Shields
8 High Elves w/Spear + Shield

= 246

Total = 799

The fight 5 support should help me win combats, the knights give me some board control and speed to take late game objectives, and Arwen gives me some magic support with Wrath of Bruinen + keeps the Warband cheap. I took Mardin over a Captain to boost the might store.

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Mon Jul 29, 2019 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khazad + Rivendell Allies for NOVA (800pt)

I would say that if you want to run this play test it a few times against an army with a bigger hero to see if you still have the ability to deal with them without the champion. Also to practice with the cav. I don't play mounted troops often but when I do I tend to get them killed because I want to play them too aggressively. Also also, you have one point left so get that bannerman a shield!

Author:  joshw4288 [ Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khazad + Rivendell Allies for NOVA (800pt)

Wan Shi Tong wrote:
I would say that if you want to run this play test it a few times against an army with a bigger hero to see if you still have the ability to deal with them without the champion. Also to practice with the cav. I don't play mounted troops often but when I do I tend to get them killed because I want to play them too aggressively. Also also, you have one point left so get that bannerman a shield!

Will definitely be play-testing it a few times to see if I like it better. I'd already accounted for the shield on the banner, just forgot to list it.

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