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 Post subject: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:10 pm 
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Ok, so I know their stats, and what they can do etc, but I want to know how you guys have actually done fielding them or seeing them played.

I dont really want to have a talk about their stats vs points because I know what they are.

The thing is, I have a box of unopened knights and some high elves I can use as foot units for if theyre taken off mount, and I dont know if I should sell them or not.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:21 pm 
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They are worth it.

Aside from having a well rounded bit of wargear and Woodland Creature, they provide a fairly significant punch (that the elves need) on the charge due to their lances as well.

I personally would not comprise my entire force of them; however, 6 or so led by a captain are great at shooting then hitting an enemy flank and making use of Heroic Combats.

Current WIP: SMAUG

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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:06 am 
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Sounds about right. Thats what Id stick with. Id make use of my one box. (got it cheap for like $33. Thats why I have it lol. Id make one captain and 5 warriors or one of the named heros on horse, and 6 of them.

And yeah, elves need the punch. Thing that worries me though is their killability.

You lose one guy and there goes over 20 points.....gotta play carefully I guess.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:48 am 
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If you're planning ally them with another force, I think the 100% bow limit makes Rivendell knights a more attractive choice than something like Galadhrim knights. I'm rather tempted to put together an Arnor/Elrond's Household combined list.

It also appeals to me that the pointcost of a Knight Captain and five Rivendell Knights makes a lovely round number if you give them all shields.

Elrond Nine Sixteenths elven does not exactly roll off the tongue.
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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:42 am 
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Yeah id plan a Rivendell/Lothlorien alliance list and I dont like Galadhrim points cost thats exactly why I havent gotten rid of these yet. I want to try them.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:03 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:24 pm
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Recently painted them, and am tempted to try them, only problem is thier points cost really bites into your numbers. A list I have thought about is this:
Rivendel knight Captain with shield
4 Rivendell knights with sheilds

Captain of Numenor with heavy armour and shield
12 Numenorians: 6 with shields, 6 with shields and spears

Captain of Numenor with heavy armour and shield
12 Numenorians:4 with shields, 8 with bows

Only problem with it is recently I have been taking Isildur in my lists to give the Numenorians some high courage for when they brake, though I guess hopefully the knights should be able to inflict enough damage to avoid that.
Not sure if a full warband of high elves on foot would be better though.
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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:19 am 
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IDK thats the reason I made this topic. I want to know if they are worth it. Nobody seems to know but everyone seems to be like omg look at their profile​

The way I see it, I have a tournament in April, and I may keep them in a box till then, and if I see them fielded and doing anything there, Ill keep them. Otherwise, Im just going to sell them.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY

Last edited by LordoftheBrownRing on Mon Mar 13, 2017 9:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:35 am 
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I don't know about play-wise, but it seems like it's definitely worth getting them to paint; they look very lovely models!

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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:37 am 
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Yeah thats the thing. The models look really, really cool. High elf infantry seems great. And the fact that in the movie, their only scene is absolutely slaughtering hunter orcs to the point that they break and all fail their courage tests in about 3 turns prove how awesome these guys are (lol imagination)

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:28 am 

Joined: Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:17 pm
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If you are looking for how they fare in battle I can tell you about one game I played. I had a Knight Captain leading 4 Knights, allied with a stormcaller, 8 spear and shield elves, 4 bow elves, and Gwaihir. I went up against the Dwimmerlaik, a few morgul knights, specters, black numenorians, and an ally contingent of uruk-hai berserkers and feral uruk-hai with pike support lead by two captains.

So the pros for my opponent was that he had terror, str 4, def 5-6 models, magic, and the dwimmerlaiks special rule.

Pros for me were the 100% bow limit to make 9 bows, and Gwaihir = monster

As far as I'm concerned the rivendell knights were the best units I had on the table. They made the most kills because my opponents infantry couldn't stop their fight value. The +1 with lances was invaluable. The only problem I had was against the morgul knights because you don't get the charge bonus against other cavalry. But considering their courage 5, even terror couldn't stop them from charging. So they have that going for them. Their bows were ... well they were elven bows. Not great, but some of the best in the game for range I guess. But the lance was their greatest strength. They definitely make up more for the eight elves I had with spear and shield. Because if they charge the infantry they get two attacks, the knockdown for 2 strikes (then doubled) at +1 to wound. Whereas for the same points the two elves with spear and shield would just get 2 attacks, no knockdown, and no +1.

I'm making a new list that is revolved around rivendell knights and so far I have made it to around 15 in a 500 point army. That doesn't sound like much but 15 bows is more than the 8 I usually get for infantry, plus they have all the advances I mentioned before. Because I could get an awesome hero on foot with two high elf infantry warbands in 500 points instead, or even if you really try to squeeze in 3 warbands of infantry, but have "weaker" heroes, you will still not be getting much more than 20-30 High elves anyways.

Overall, I like them. I plan on getting more and trying out a real army. Take everything I say with a grain of salt though, because I've only used them in one game and I did lose that game eventually.

My WIP: viewtopic.php?f=50&t=26482
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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:16 pm 
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Ok well I do appreciate the input. Its nice for someone to actually tell me about real results they had with them for once.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:14 pm 
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I like them just for their appearance alone - gaming capability is not as important to me as aesthetics in this instance.

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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:00 pm 
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I understand that but thats why I kinda made this topic..... :(

I need to see how they play.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:21 pm 
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well tto understand how rivendell knights play you have to deal with something similar, like dol amroth cav or morgul knights or knights of Minas Tirith. The concept is similar, diference is that you have shooting capacity which means if you elect you can stay away and manage things from shooting.

Rivendell knight is literally a morgul knight with:
+1 fight
+1 courage
dont have terror but gain faster horses(no penalty moving through forests) elven blades and elven bows...

Remember that they are still more effective than regular cav since the horses ignores that penalty charging through forest terrain since the horses more naturally woodland steeds, which increase by alot your flexibility charging through...
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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:22 am 

Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:02 pm
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Sorry to necro an old thread, but I was also thinking of starting an army. Should I use Captains or Elrond /w Lindir? Also, should I bring a spellcaster or not?
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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 9:34 am 
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McGarnacle wrote:
Sorry to necro an old thread, but I was also thinking of starting an army. Should I use Captains or Elrond /w Lindir? Also, should I bring a spellcaster or not?

It's my thread so I'll give you a pass.

1-I usually see this army cheesed up with Gandalf for blinding light or Saruman mounted.

2-Elrond and Lindir would be fun and thematic but not as competitive as the first option.

BLACKHAWK 2010 2013 2015 DYNASTY
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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 11:53 am 

Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:02 pm
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LordoftheBrownRing wrote:
McGarnacle wrote:
Sorry to necro an old thread, but I was also thinking of starting an army. Should I use Captains or Elrond /w Lindir? Also, should I bring a spellcaster or not?

It's my thread so I'll give you a pass.

1-I usually see this army cheesed up with Gandalf for blinding light or Saruman mounted.

2-Elrond and Lindir would be fun and thematic but not as competitive as the first option.

Okay, got it, thanks. So something like 2 Captains, Saruman mounted and 10 knights?
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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:33 pm 
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Yes, or 1 captain, ten or so Knights, Saruman and Legolas all mounted, which was about what GBHL James took to NOVA and did very well with. He maybe had 11 or 12 knights and a banner, but I can't remember. That was at 700 pts.
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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 5:33 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:02 pm
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Would Radagast on Sleigh be a good supporting wizard for this kind of force? Or maybe Glorfindel or Gil-Galad?
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 Post subject: Re: Knights of Rivendell worth it? Voice your opinions.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:54 pm 
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Glorfindel and Gil Galad are no support, those are heavy hitters. Support implies something to back up with abilities to help others, though Gil Galad still kinda work on that way with his 12" stand fast, its kinda pointless knowing Rivendell knights comes few in numbers.

Any form of wizard that can keep up with the force its always a boost to help hinder enemy heavy hitters and provide protection.
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