The One Ring

Azog's Hunters 600pts.
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Author:  Bolg! [ Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Azog's Hunters 600pts.

So there's an upcoming tournament and I really love the thought of taking the hunting party Bolg leads hunting Thorin and Co. in Mirkwood. I'm conflicted about which list to take: one that's more pure, or one that's give sit a slightly more competitive edge. Help me choose :o !

List 1
Warband 1
Bolg, Castellan of Mount Gundabad w/ Fell Warg
2x Hunter Orcs w/ Fell Wargs
6x Hunter Orcs
3x Hunter Orcs w/ Orc Bows
1x Hunter Orc w/ Banner

Warband 2
Fimbul w/ Fell Warg
2x Hunter Orcs w/ Fell Wargs
8x Hunter Orcs
2x Hunter Orcs w/ Orc Bows

Warband 3
Narzug w/ Fell Warg
2x Hunter Orcs


List 2
Warband 1
Bolg, Castellan of Mount Gundabad w/ Fell Warg
2x Hunter Orcs w/ Fell Wargs
9x Hunter Orcs
1x Hunter Orc w/ Banner, Orc Bow

Warband 2
Fimbul w/ Fell Warg
2x Hunter Orcs w/ Fell Wargs
10x Hunter Orcs

Warband 3
Mordor Orc Shaman w/ Warg
Giant Spider

Thanks in advance :) .

Author:  Galanur [ Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Azog's Hunters 600pts.

lisst 2

Author:  Dikey [ Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Azog's Hunters 600pts.

list one is more thematic, list 2 is more efficient.
On that point, you may want to consider dropping the Hunter Orcs Rider in favor of the cheaper (and just as good) Orc riders, and add those in your shaman's warband. With the extra points you may field more Hunter Orcs

Author:  Gondorian Captain [ Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Azog's Hunters 600pts.

Only you can decide.
It comes down to what do you want this list to be super themed, super competitive or somewhere in between.
Both can be rewarding, one of the best tournaments I've had was when I was using the Fellowship despite it being so hard to win some of the games.

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