The One Ring

Rebuilding Arnor 500
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Author:  Arthas367 [ Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:47 am ]
Post subject:  Rebuilding Arnor 500

Hello all, first time posting in abit ( for known reasons) , so my latest project seems to be on Arnor as I dig the little army list as well as the fluff surrounding them.

I am not certain of the Grey Company Route seems somewhat too finicky on the list crafting front. So I will be instead focusing abit more on the full list Arnor offers and their Shire allies.

I am definitely looking to make this list with a more competitive edge, as my group is usually geared towards that type of play.

This is where I am current draft.

- 7 x warriors of arnor
- 4 x ranger of arnor

- 7 x warriors of arnor
- 4 x ranger of arnor

Bullroarer Took
- 3 x militia
- 5 x sheriff
- 4 x archer

Merry (pony)
- 4 x militia
- 4 x sheriff
- 4 x archer

let me know all comments and criticism, thanks!

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Sun Oct 18, 2015 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rebuilding Arnor 500

You are over your bow limit by 2 for your arnor force since heroes don't count for it. Aslo I suggest that if you take Merry you use his strength upgrade for the militia. Otherwise you'd might as well that the thane for theme purposes.

To be honest, though, I really doubt the viability of a Arnor/Hobbit army since the hobbit archers were removed from the Army. Now you have to bring a lot of weak infantry to get the bowmen you wanted to start with and all that hobbit infantry is a huge liability to your regular troops. Since a cunning player will kill the hobbits to break the force and watch your army melt away.

If you insist on using hobbits with Arnor I would advise you to only send a war-band, perhaps lead by the thane, to get a few dedicated archers, a horn and some special weapon strikes in. The bulk of your army should be built of warriors of arnor centered around the "Last King", whose name escapes me, Malbeth, and a banner.

Author:  Arthas367 [ Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rebuilding Arnor 500

Don't think the bow limit is off for the Arnor forces
11 x 33% is 3.6 rounded up to 4

And yes the Hobbits are soft bodies, but they move 4 inches, so by nature they are more defensive. I think something can be said for 50 models in 500 with access to a fury save.

The Strength 3 on the milita would be nice, but I'm not sure I should trim models to do so, when they kill d6 just like str 3

I need to play test both sides of the coin either way, but for a glance the huge amount of Hobbits to add dice for the f4 arnor, seems fairly deadly

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rebuilding Arnor 500

Your arnor force has 22 troops in it, divided by 3 is 7.33, which rounded down gives you up to 7 bowmen in total. You have 8 rangers in your list. My mistake for saying over by 2.

Author:  Arthas367 [ Mon Oct 19, 2015 3:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rebuilding Arnor 500

Hah looks like both our maths were a tad off, so I could drop one ranger and either grab another warrior in his stead, or equip all my Rangers with spears, and throw the extra point into a hobbit.

Author:  Arthas367 [ Mon Oct 19, 2015 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rebuilding Arnor 500

Or drop 2 sheriffs to grab another warrior and make them legal again

Author:  Khan_gfn [ Mon Oct 19, 2015 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rebuilding Arnor 500

Your bow limit od good. You're rounding up,not down,so 8 bows in 22 is fine.

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Mon Oct 19, 2015 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rebuilding Arnor 500

Why would you round up from 7.33?

Author:  Galanur [ Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rebuilding Arnor 500

rules say any value above number 0.1+ up to 0.9 you round that up.

Author:  Rozinante [ Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rebuilding Arnor 500

Hobbits with axes, supported by F4 spears...with great numbers for only 500 points (plus Resist Magic, and Throw Stones...) and 16 excellent bows: this should win some games --especially ones that need numbers. That 4" movement will hurt. Great point about Battlin' Bandybucks: Militia need exactly the same roll against D6 (less with Piercing Strike). May I suggest:

Paladin Took
8 Militia
4 Archers

Bullroarer Took
8 Militia
4 Archers

8 Warriors
4 Rangers Spear

8 Warriors
4 Rangers Spear

Author:  Arthas367 [ Mon Oct 19, 2015 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rebuilding Arnor 500

That is also deadly looking, squeezes in a few extra models, I quite like that

Think I might revise to that, might end up missing Merry's horn, will need to play and see

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Tue Oct 20, 2015 3:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rebuilding Arnor 500

I must be getting old if I overlooked something as basic and important as rounding up bow limits. Times was I could have recited the whole blue books backwards on command. Anyhow lets use know how your testing goes Arthas I'd like to how it works.

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